Chapter 11

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She followed her daily schedule and received updates from Kelsie on how the media was rooting for her and how she had gained 2,000 followers in the last week. Marcus' feedback has been positive, and the band's producer has enjoyed their time with her. The music video began to tell a pleasant story and put her acting skills to the test. Her video tells a young love story in which she plays the owner of a bar, and they order drinks from her. There are also shots of her singing in the bar with a small crowd rocking out to her song.

She returned home after another exhausting day to find Rory pacing in the kitchen, arguing on the phone. Ryleigh didn't want to eavesdrop, and he slammed the phone down and walked to the small music studio room.

After giving him a few minutes to calm down, she peered through the door and heard the soft sound of the piano. It was elegant and peaceful. An improvised range of melody as she watches the back of him and the keys bobbing up and down as he plays so delicately. Ryleigh slowly crept up and sat next to him on the seat.

'I didn't know you could play the piano.'

He continues and gives a corner smile. 'It's the first instrument I learned to play. Do you know how to?'

'No, just the guitar. But it's always been something I've wanted to try.'

He smiled and began to play a shot sequence.

'Play that.'

She starts tapping with one finger, and he laughs.

'No, you got to use all your fingers, and they'll flow with one another to make the melody.' Rory takes her hand in his and shows her how to play each key with which finger. Ryleigh's breath became short as he stroked her fingertips, and she gasped for air. 'You try.'

She tried it on her own but became lost and laughed at herself.

'It's no use. I'll need more practice.'

He begins to play again, and she absorbs the melody, which eases her.

'I can see why you play. It sounds so relaxing.'

'It's my way to calm down when things get to me.' Rory says, 'Which is why I'm here.'

'What happened?'

'People who I thought were my friends are selling me out to the press about everything I've done, and the media is resurfacing my court appearance and criminal record.'

'Then let them say all the bad stuff. You've got fans that'll look past that and relate to your music, and you've got some new friends too.'

Rory stops playing.

'I appreciate your help, but this isn't something I can change. All the stuff I did years ago that was me then.'

'And people deserve a second chance.' Ryleigh assured him, 'And your daughter doesn't think of you like that. She thinks she's got an amazing dad.'

Rory appreciated her commitment to bringing a smile to his face without being sympathetic.

'She's the reason I'm here.' He says and starts playing again.

Ryleigh shines with pride as he sings about his daughter and his love for her.

'She'll be proud of you.' Ryleigh told him.


Ryleigh could unwind this evening now that she had finished her music video and was looking forward to the rehearsal tomorrow. She enjoyed a large meal and a few drinks while listening to music in the background, chattering away with her new friends. She was dressed casually in skinny black jeans and a grey vest top with a red flannel shirt, nothing out of the ordinary for a night in.

'I KNEW IT!' Kaylin shouted at Harper and drew everyone's attention, 'YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH HIM, AREN'T YOU?'

'What if I am? He prefers me anyway.' She smirks at her.

'No, you don't like that I'm prettier than you.'

Ryleigh believed she was watching a reality USA TV show and assumed it was all staged, but people fight like that. Blake was smirking in the corner of her eye, enjoying the spotlight. It didn't take long to figure out what they were arguing about.

'Er, no, I don't think so. At least nothing is fake like you.' Harper fiercely prods Kaylin's shoulder.

It's making Ryleigh's ears bleed, and how Blake loves the drama was getting on her nerves too.

'You two outside now!' Ryleigh yelled at them, and they looked at each other, puzzled, but the way she looked at them like their mother was scolding them, the girls followed her outside.

'Can you two put your heads together and stop taking your knickers off for a second. Don't you see what he's doing? He likes that you're fighting over him, so instead, why don't you join forces and turn against him. Plus, what are you showing to the public who are watching you? Is this really what you both want to be remembered for?'

'She's right, you know.' Harper said it took Kaylin a little longer to understand and agreed.

'Fair enough.'

Ryleigh was satisfied that the girls would concentrate on their music and tell Blake to shove it.

'Blake, I think we need to stop this for the time being.' Harper tells him, and Blake glances at Ryleigh annoyed.

'Yes, and start considering it might be better if we just have a threesome.' Kaylin blurted.

'WHAT? NO, THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID.' Ryleigh shrieked.

'But you said to join forces?'

'Yeah! But against him, because he liked the idea of the attention, oh forget it!' She covered her face with her hands, knowing she was fighting a losing battle.

'Cheers, Ryleigh.' Blake grinned, 'Sounds like a plan. You want to join us?'

Ryleigh raises her hand and gives him the middle finger. 'Go fuck yourself.' She told him, and he shrugged.

'Suit yourself.'

Ryleigh enters the kitchen in search of another beer, dissatisfied with the outcome of her advice. She leaned against the counter, slurped her beer, and returned to the living room.

'You think they would listen.' Elliot joked to her.

'I didn't tell them to do that. They took it the wrong way.' She replied.

'It bugs you that bad?' Ester said.

'It bugs me that those girls are talented, and they're just throwing it away by becoming this reality persona that probably gets their TV show in a few years. All the effort they put into this will all be a waste.'

'That's their choice.' Rory said. 'You can't save everyone. You've done it, and they didn't listen, move on from it.'

He noticed a side of Ryleigh that surprised him. The way she takes control and gets their attention without coming off as rude. Every day, he discovers a new emotion she unintentionally expresses, and it's like putting together a jigsaw puzzle for him. The more she reveals, the more he worries that he will be unable to hide his true feelings. When she cursed, he saw her fury and thought it was cute.

Ryleigh's anger started to pass, and she took his advice and shrugged off it.

'Yeah, I guess so. Please tell me they haven't gone to....' She noticed they weren't there.

'They went to the spare room upstairs.' Ashton said.

'Fucking hell.' She murmured. 

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