Chapter 28

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The next contestant to leave is Tessa. Ryleigh decided to call Russell one more time at the farewell party and stepped outside by the pool.

'Hey, I'm going to tell you straight up and let you know this will be my last call to you. I think I'm getting the message and all I want to say is thank you for everything, and I wish you the best in the future. I really do. This isn't what we had planned, and I wished you believed me. This was for the both of us. From now on, I'm doing this for myself. I love you.'

After she hangs up, she glances at her once-thoughtful engagement ring, faintly sparkling from the pool and dim lighting around her. The last part of her life she needed to disappear, an odd ending to what was once a beautiful jewel but is now just a bit of cold metal circling her left third finger.

Ryleigh twists it and sighs deeply as she slides it into her back pocket. She was expecting the sensation of missing a particular element, but nothing came.

But, before she forgets and loses the ring, she goes upstairs and places it in a safe place in her hand luggage.

Back downstairs, she circled the kitchen island with the rest of the group. Her beer clutched and both hands on the counter. It didn't feel like a break-up to her, and she's unsure whether it is now when someone doesn't agree. But ignoring her is a sign of being binned off too. She seems down about it for now and will cheer up eventually. She was finally ending one chapter and beginning another.

'Hey, you alright?' Ester says beside her.

'I think so.'

'Did you finally get through?'

'No, but I ended it.'

'You did?' Ester appears shocked.

'I had to. He was just ignoring me.' She's still a little bit upset about it, and she's realised she's single and hasn't been in a long time.

'Well, I think that deserves a toast.' Ester winks at her and raises her beer. 'To Ryleigh and her new chapter in her life.'

She smiled at Ester and lifted her beer too.

'To a new chapter.' And clink glasses.

'Now, ladies, that's no way to send farewell to Tessa.' Elliot jokes.

'Of course not! We're celebrating for Ryleigh.' Ester explains.

'Oh really. What for?'

'To finally realising that she can achieve her dreams without anyone stopping her....and to the single life.'

'That's great, Ryleigh! I mean the dream part, and not being single.'

Ryleigh chuckles, 'It's ok. I kind of like being single. It makes me feel free.'

'Does Rory know?' Elliot questions.

She looks over to find him in a conversation with Ashton. Ryleigh shook her head.

'It's better if I tell him. Would you mind not saying anything?'

'Moms the word.' Elliot says.

'Your secret is safe with us.' Ester responds.


This was the best night's sleep Ryleigh had ever gotten. She felt as though she had finally diverted her overwhelmed mind away from bad thoughts, and she was breathing a different kind of fresh air. Freedom. She wanted to lie in and cuddle up to the soft, comfortable pillows, which she had only recently noticed were warm and welcoming. But her bladder woke her from her slumber, signalling that it was time to start moving forward with the day.

She had a spring in her step after a restful night's sleep as she gazed out the window at the bright sky of Los Angeles and thought to herself, "This is where I belong."

Then someone knocked on the door.

'It's open.'

'Hey.' They said as they opened the door. 'You decent?' His low tone, gentle voice made Ryleigh smile a little more.

'Decent as I'll ever be.' She replies.

'It's not like you to sleep in.' Rory says as he steps in.

'True, but I bloody well needed it.'

'You seem good.'

'Better yet. I feel good.'

Rory looked at her and could finally hear the whole truth, as she didn't shy away. She is now confident and standing tall proudly, with a rosy glow on her cheeks.

'Sorry, I didn't make you breakfast. I wasn't sure when you were going to wake up. Plus, everyone else would probably have wanted it too.'

'Was it pancakes?' She teased.

'Err, English breakfast...if that's what you call it?'

'Oh, a full English. You didn't have to go through that effort.'

He shrugs, 'You deserve it.'

'Tell you what. What don't I make it? Give you the real deal on how us British make a proper breakfast.'

'Ohhh, it's not like you to be this competitive.' Rory mocked back.

'I've got competitiveness running through me.'

He smirks, 'All right. You're on.'

Later that afternoon, everyone gathered on the sofa watching back the episode. So far, Ryleigh didn't think this one was as bad. She only had five minutes of attention, even though it wasn't too positive. Aside from the day she spent with Rory and his daughter.

Overall, She has come to terms with everything and believes it's only upward from here.

However, doubt crept into her mind when the audience picked up the fact that she was not wearing her engagement ring. For a quick second, she checks her phone for social media updates, and the articles have been trying to contact Russell for his statement. With worrying fear, she decided to give her parents a call.

'Mum? I've been calling Russell for days, and I've not heard from him? Is he alright?'

'Well, no, he isn't. He has taken a few days away from the city and the media.'

'I feel awful that he has to go through that.'

'Well, you only got yourself to blame.' Her mum said flatly.

'I didn't do anything!'

'Not from where we're standing.'

'Look, I really don't need a lecture from you right now. But, since I haven't heard from him, I thought I'd check if he is ok. But I also called to tell you that I have ended it with him.'

The phone line went quiet.

'Do you think you made a smart move?'

'Yes, he's been ignoring me when all I wanted to do was talk. That's no way to treat your other half. I'm taking this one step at a time.'

Her mum sighs, 'Ryleigh, I'm not happy how things have gone with you and Russell. However, you seemed to gain some popularity, and I didn't realise how good you are with music. I've come to terms with it now. You're pretty good at this.'

It's the best compliment she will get from her mum, and she's pleased to have them on her side now.

'Really?... That means a lot to me.'

'Just be careful, please. Good luck with it all.'

They ended the call, and she felt another burden lifted off her shoulders.

She went back downstairs, and Rory tracked her down.

'Pool day?' He suggests.

She thought as she rolled her eyes up and tilted her mouth to one side. 'How about that hike?' 

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