Chapter 57

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With the last break ending for the night, Ryleigh, Elliot and Ashton all made their way to the stage, where the final two finishers and the winner would be announced.

She gripped the boy's hands tightly and looked to the floor, the first time she had ever prayed. In the background, the crowd was shouting their names in support, but she couldn't call who was the popular heckler.

The host started with a third-place announcement but paused for effect, and then a name came out. It was Ashton.

Ryleigh hugs and tells him well done, and she watches Ashton thanking the audience and feeling proud of his accomplishments. Then, her heart races with nerves, waiting to find out who will be crowned the winner.

As the attention drew back to her, she held onto Elliot's hand again and looked at a spot on the floor.

'The winner of Battle of the Rockstar is....' The host says, and her heart's pounding fast.'...Ryleigh.'

The crowd roars with joy, and she can't hide the tears trailing down her face with her hands covering her eyes. Elliot holds her tight and congratulates her, and she grips him and buries her head away.

'Congratulations, Ryleigh, you win a record deal with Summerton Records and 25,000 dollars. How do you feel?' The host asks her and peels herself away from Elliot.

'I-I-oh my gosh, thank you so much, everyone, who has voted for me.'

Marcus congratulates her and hugs her, followed by Bruce and Aimee. As the stage empties and Ryleigh is told to perform once more. With a microphone ready to go again with her first song.

She gets it together and starts singing, entertaining the crowd one more time. As she completed her long note, a loud burst of stage fireworks went off, sending silver confetti flying across her face. Through the silver rain, Ryleigh sees Rory running towards her, and he lifts her to spin her around.

After he puts her down, he cups her face, 'I knew you could do it!' She began to cry once more as soon as he touched her forehead. The remaining competitors then encircled them for a collective hug. After she was eventually freed, he took her hand and turned her towards the audience, lifting her arm so that everyone could applaud the victor while hearing the crowd chant her name. Everything she dreamed of was coming true.


She was upset to be separated from Rory when Ryleigh was told to get ready for the after-party. She retouched her makeup, changed into her green emerald dress, and then accompanied Kelsie into a limo.

'I'm so proud of you.' She says, trying to hold back the tears.

'Thank you. I can't believe what just happened.' Ryleigh replies.

'This is only the beginning.' Kelsie grabs her hand and squeezes it, 'Come on, let's celebrate.'

They enter a club through the door, where loud, energetic music is playing, and all the party lights are blazing. Rory is carrying Layla in his arms when she sees him leaning on his shoulder, trying to keep her eyes open.

'Hey, you.' She coos at Layla and doesn't react; all her energy has gone.

'It's been a long evening.' Rory said.

'Why don't you put her to bed?'

'She wanted to see you one last time.'

'Bless her. Thank you, Layla. I'll see you soon. Night.' She buries her head into Rory's arms, wanting to crash badly.

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