Chapter 45

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After lunch, she notices all the boys by the pool. To torment Rory, she changes into a white triangle bikini that seems a size too small.

Although she needed to tread cautiously, it was their day off from filming. Therefore, a little unintentional flirtation wouldn't be harmful. Ryleigh enjoys teasing people to win them over.

She confidently walks to the pool's edge and sits down with her feet in the water. In the corner of her eye, she notices Rory looking at her from the sun lounger. His sunglasses are nowhere to be seen, and his seductive look makes her horny and hot.

Her curves and bare skin on the show make his lips curl up, and his fingers press together, curious enough to anticipate what her soft skin would be like on his.

He jumps off the sun lounger and sits next to her.

'You can't be doing that.' He says, leaning close to her ear.

'I can do what I want.' She teases him while biting her lip.

'I'll throw you in.'

'You wouldn't dare.'

Ryleigh's eyes permanently stick to his as Rory slowly drags his hand to her waist and grabs tightly onto her hips. Then, staring her down a beat too long to make her forget his blackmail, he suddenly pushes her. Luckily being in the shallow end, she could stand up quickly.

'Rory! ' She yelled, and he laughed.

She swam to him and grabbed his arm, trying to tug him down, but he was too strong and lifted her and pushed her away.

'Is he being nasty?' Elliot said while standing next to him.

'Yes, he is.' She says, grinning at him.

We're not having that. Guys!' Jayden and Ashton came over, and they all lifted Rory, and he couldn't fight them all, and hoisted Rory into the air and threw him into the deep end, and She was giggling uncontrollably.

Rory swims up to her, looks into her eyes intently, sucks in, and wants to embrace her. Without stopping, Ryleigh inched closer, levitating as her hands softly rubbed against his shoulders, and she peered down at the flawlessly curved tattoos.

He watches her fingertips as they trace the dark contours of the compass in the form of a four-sided star on his right shoulder.

'I always believed that someone is out there guiding me. Pointing me in the right direction, leading to fate.' He said.

'But you always turned a blind eye because it was too predictable and expected.' Ryleigh finished what he had been planning to say as there was a black cloud with thunderstorms inside the compass dial.

Rory's eyes met hers as he lost the ability to breathe and pulled her close in a tight embrace.

They were reluctant to let go, so their hug was more like foreplay—compassionate, loving, and sexual.

As Rory's feet delicately brushed the floor, they floated comfortably thanks to the pool's gravity.

'I told Kelsie about us.' Ryleigh said quietly to his ear, 'She said she and Josh will do as much as they can to keep the press from sniffing anything about us, but she also wants us to play our part.'

Rory nodded as soon as he was far enough to feel her warm breath on his face. 'Is that why you went to lunch with her?'

'That and Josh stayed over hers last night.' She wiggles her eyebrows.

'They did, huh? At least he won't be moping around anymore.'


Dinner was ordered, and Ryleigh was the first one ready to be changed and downstairs. She had her back to the stairs as she leaned against the island and browsed through her phone.

'You should have stayed in your bikini longer. I would have loved to take it off you.' Rory says to her, wrapping his hands around his waist, making her smile and dropping her phone.

'We need to behave, you know.' She turns around to tell him, even if she liked the idea too. He had his arms on each side of the counter, closing her in.

'I know, but I like teasing you.' He winks at her, and he can see it's bothering her a lot. 'You look amazing you do.'

'I'm in my lazy pants and a tank top.' She claims.

'You look so good in it.'

The doorbell went indicating the food was here. Ryleigh escapes from his arms, looking back at him.

'Wait until you see me naked.' She tells him, walking towards the door. Damn, that was all he could think of.

They all settled in for a movie after feeling full. Ryleigh had no input because it was one the lads chose, and she was already drifting off to sleep close to Rory. She is dozing peacefully on his right shoulder as he looks at her.

'Never met someone who crashes like that.' Elliot says to him, 'At least she'll be easy to watch films with.'

He laughs. 'Yeah, I guess so.' And he looks over at her again. Elliot saw a change in Rory ever since he met Ryleigh.

'I'm glad you both found each other.'

'She really means something to me. But we want it to keep it a secret after this is all done.'

Elliot nods. 'I understand. So, you're not going in her bed tonight then?' He mocks him.

'I wish.'

'Why don't you?'

'We need to show that we aren't together. People are going to get mad over it. '

'Damn, you're going to try and keep it a secret?

'If it means not crawling into her bed tonight.'

The film finished, and Rory gently shook her to wake up, telling her to go to bed.

'I slept through the whole thing, didn't I?' She felt groggy, and he giggles are her.

'Yes, but you still looked cute.'

She made her way upstairs, and he followed her to the top and ready to turn right to his room.

'Aren't you coming?' She teases him as she walks to her room. He shook his head.

'As much as I want to. Night.' He goes to his room and closes the door. The temptation was there, but she was glad he'd taken it seriously too.

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