Chapter 21

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She waited in the green room, watching Ester sing her song on TV while waiting for her turn. Her performance was flawless, and her screamo sections were impressive. She should be watching her friend and beaming with pride, but she's nervous again. Ryleigh tried to relax by twitching her right leg, and Rory placed his hand on her knee to stop it.

'Sorry, it must've been bugging you.'

'Don't be nervous. You'll be fine.' He smiles at her, and she returns the smile with trepidation.

When her name was called, she followed the crew to the side stage and waited to go on. While she waits, Ryleigh runs over the technique she was taught in her head, recalls the lyrics, and decides to ignore everything that had happened.

As the host introduced her, she made her cue on stage in the pitch black, gripping tightly to the microphone. The spotlight shone in her tired eyes as she waited for the audience's applause to fade, becoming the centre of attention. Then, the first note was played.

She wrote the song to persuade Russell that no matter what problems they face, they will overcome them. She then explains why this means so much for her and questions whether this is really worth the fight.

Ryleigh wanted everyone to hear her shout the truth; the screamo section is like a cry and pleading that nothing will change.

The song whisked her away, and the audience cheered and clapped, with Marcus giving a standing ovation once she finished. She inhaled deeply, and the adrenaline rush nearly brought her to tears.

'Ryleigh, I felt every emotion that you pulled through that song. The screamo part was spot on for what it's for. Well done.' Marcus said to her. Aimee and Bruce gave similar remarks.

She enters the green room with a big smile and a round of applause from her friends. Rory embraced her and twirled her around in his arms. He was extremely happy for her, and her song gave him goosebumps in his arms. He put her down and tucked her hair behind her ear.

'I knew you could do it!' He said, and her smile widened.

'You're right, and it feels amazing when you forget everything and live in the moment. Thanks.'

They stare into one other's eyes for a brief moment. Rory's hands instinctively dropped to her waist as Ryleigh gripped his arms. Her throat was as dry as ever, and her breathing in her chest tightened even more. She may be reliving her performance, or he's charming her with his brown eyes.

To them both, everything about this moment felt right. Ryleigh's delicate touch on his arms sent shivers down his spine, and he seriously considered her his girl.

But then reality sets in, and Rory takes a gentle step back, blushing slightly. Ryleigh's checks glow as well. He takes her to the couch as they watch Elliot perform.

During a commercial break, Ryleigh walked to the bathroom and bypassed the fridge to fetch a bottle of water.

'Got one for me?' Rory said from behind, leaning in close to her and clutching her waist.

She grins as she hands him a bottle. 'Isn't it your turn now?'

'Yes, but I've got a few minutes yet.'

'And you want to spend it with me? More fool you.' She joked while turning around.

'I love to. You seem to calm me down.'

She gently nudges him, and he smiles back.

Ryleigh feels happier now that she's performed, as if the weight she'd been carrying all week has finally lifted. Rory was honest when he said she calmed his nerves, but he also knows after she performs, her upbeat personality encourages her to flirt innocently, and she doesn't hide it.

When Rory's name is called, she wishes him luck.

'Walk with me?' He asks as he rises from the couch; his hand gently moves up to Ryleigh's cheek, and she blushes.

She nods, and they walk side by side until they reach the side stage.

'You nervous or something? Is that why you brought me all the way here?'

'All right, you got me.' Rory smirks.

One of the crew members tapped his shoulder to signal that the sound equipment needed to be linked to him.

Ryleigh's phone rang, and it was a message from Russell.

"You told me nothing is going on between you and him, but yet I see you with him acting like a couple. The camera doesn't lie. Is this your way of telling me it's over? If it is, it's a shit move to do, make a mockery of me in public."

She didn't feel angry or sad when she looked at it. Instead, a numbing feeling now pans across when he was mad at her, and it was worth not reacting to. Her feelings for Russell were slipping away, and the ring on her finger began to lose its meaning.

'Ry?' Rory gets her attention. He was afraid that whatever she was reading on her phone would take the real Ryleigh away from him, which he desperately wanted to keep.

She glances up, unsure of how to react, and she sighs. 'Good luck.' Being positive as possible and makes her way back to the green room.

He knows it's probably her fiancé again, making her insecure and closing her shell up. Rory couldn't let her get away again and wanted to grab her hand to stop her so they could talk it out. But it was too late because it was time for him to enter the stage.

Ryleigh made it back in time when she heard the crowd cheer, and then they fell silent, and Rory began to sing.

His song was infectious and enthralled the audience, and his stage presence was captivating. Everyone was clapping and cheering. Ryleigh couldn't help but cheer, and she thoroughly enjoyed it. After the feedback, he made his way back to the green room. She couldn't wait any longer and went backstage to meet him, leaping into his arms and wrapping her legs around his waist.

'That was amazing!' She said and removed herself off him, 'I mean well done.' Ryleigh repositioned her jacket and flushed brightly. She intended to make a friendly compliment, but she became too enthusiastic and turned to what seemed to be a fan enjoying his performance.

Rory was cool with it, and the red marks on her cheeks showed that he was finally catching a glimpse of her true personality, which he wanted to see more of. Now it looks like she's defeating the monster in her head. He expresses his gratitude by kissing her on the forehead.

'Thank you.'

Her relationship with Rory elicited more feelings than Ryleigh had ever expected from someone so quickly, and she was frightened that it was no longer only a friendship. The more time they spend together, the more difficult it becomes to hide the truth. She brushed it off and went back into the room.

As she prepared to return to the stage for the results, she was nervous. One by one, their names were called out, and Ryleigh, along with Harper and Tessa, was one of the last three. She figured this was it; she'd be in the bottom two.

The pause for effect irritated her, and she wanted it to be over with as soon as possible. The host called her name, narrowly escaping being the bottom two by the skin of her teeth.

Ryleigh couldn't help but respond by putting her palm on her chest and dropping her jaw, and she was instructed to leave the stage. But, as she follows Marcus down the stairs, her legs turn to jelly, and she pitches on the nearest thing she can find.

Rory stood there watching her descend, relieved that she was still in. His heart raced at the thought, but he overheard the stage crew discussing a plan to get the audience's attention by placing the most popular person in the bottom three.

'You've done it.' Rory tells her.

'Yeah, but only just.' Ryleigh says in shock.

'I don't believe that. They did it to break the tension. Bet you were the most voted tonight.' He winks at her. Ryleigh's body trembles as she recovers from it and stands up. 'I'm looking forward to our breakfast tomorrow.' He says and smirks.

'Can't wait.'

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