Chapter 27

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Ryleigh had a half-hour spare and called Russell again. She hadn't heard from him in a long time, and her feelings for him were slowly fading away. But how many more calls does it take to decide when it's over? Ryleigh would live with regret if she didn't try.

'Hey, it's me again. I really need you to call me, please.' She hangs up.

'You still can't get hold of him?' Ester came through to the living room with her twin.

'No, I'm starting to get the message.'

She sat next to her and rubbed her back. 'I'm sorry, Ry.'

'It's fine. I've stopped crying about it now. I forgot how much writing makes me feel better about these things.'

'Well, I'm glad you're looking at a positive side to it. My bro and I were thinking of getting something to eat. You're welcome to join us?'

'No, it's fine, thanks. I have my video shoot to do.'


The song and music video was finished, and she'd had the most stressful week of her life. Too much had unfolded, and her mental to-do list was becoming cluttered. She couldn't decide what to cross off first. It also left her feeling numb during the rehearsal because she didn't seem prepared for millions of people to witness her fall apart.

Even though Ryleigh was doing something else, the song still let out all of her frustration and sorrow. Marcus seemed interested in where the song was headed during her one-on-one session with him.

Of course, he had to address the elephant in the room, as she had to explain why this song was delivered in this manner to Marcus.

'So, Ryleigh, what made you decide to compose something as dark and hurtful?'

She gulped, 'I guess I needed to say what I want everyone to hear what I'm feeling.'

'How do you feel about your other half not turning up?'

Marcus felt uneasy asking her as she looked at him.

'Disappointed.' She replies.

'Well, I hope he's listening on the night.'

The producer said 'cut', and she relaxed her shoulders.

'I'm sorry, Ry, it wasn't my idea to ask you this. More the shows idea.' Marcus mutters to her.

'It's ok, I understand. It's better that you asked than some stranger or journalist.'

Marcus nods, 'Keep it up. As I think this could be the start of something great.'

A stinging pain went through her body when she sang, reminding her of everything she was going through in the last few weeks. It appears her mind has turned onto a different path of who she is and who she wants to be. Her home that she grew up in didn't feel like that anymore, and LA had something better. But unfortunately, her home had nothing there, and not even Russell would work in her new life. So maybe this is the moment to let go finally. Lasting for six years is long-term, but she considered she wasn't happy anymore.

They were sitting backstage with their guests, watching the live performance on a screen. They didn't want to keep Rory's daughter there all evening, so they made Rory play third and be amused by a nanny for the rest of the night.

The show takes a break, and Rory is the next. He takes his daughter to the side stage with him for a while until the assistant brings Layla back into the green room.

'Ryleigh.' Layla walks up to her and tugs on her top, 'Come watch side stage with me, please?'

Ryleigh looks around for the assistant but has seemed to disappear. She was trying to track down Kelsie, but she noticed she was preoccupied with Josh and wondered if they had asked each other out.

'Let's go.' Layla pulls her off the sofa.

Going to the side stage, Rory's getting his microphone set on.

'Daddy!' Layla runs up to him.

'Hey, little nugget.' He takes her in his arms and carries her on his hip. Ryleigh manages to catch up.

'Ry? Why are you here?'

'I asked her to.' Layla says, and Ryleigh shrugs. 'We're going to watch you from here.'

'I couldn't say no.' Ryleigh says and bops her nose. Backstage, someone said they were ready to go live again, and Rory put her down.

'Go rock it.' Ryleigh said to him.

'I will.' He gives her a wink and dashes onto the stage. She gets down on her knees to get closer to Layla.

His tune began, and he was hyped up, encouraging the audience to get up and dance. He made every effort not to look back at the side stage, where his daughter was dancing, and Ryleigh was clapping along. This is everything he wanted, a big crowd, his daughter and her.

Even from seeing his backside performing, she was still hooked on him and loved it when he was on stage. She probably would've been a fan if she watched the show back at home, but being here felt better. Halfway through, he drags his daughter and dances around the stage, enjoying their moment as they sing and together.

The judges provided their feedback and then asked Layla what she thought of the song, which she loved, making the audience go "awwww." Then, Rory walked offstage, holding her hand, and Ryleigh stood up again.

'That was amazing, well done.' She complimented.

'Thanks. I'm glad you were here with her watching.'

'Me too.'

All three proceeded back to the green room, and Layla wanted to be in the middle, holding their hand and being swung back and forth.

After Tessa's performance and another break, it was time for Layla to leave. Next up was Kaylin. Knowing she was next, her knee began to move rapidly.

'You're doing it again.' He teases.

'I guess it's my way of calming me down.'

He touches her knee for it to stop.

'Ryleigh.' The assistant calls her out.

'Go rock it.' He whispers to her.

'I will.' She winks at him, repeating what he did earlier.

Rory called her name and caught up with her on her way to the side stage, grabbing her hand. She remained silent and grinned as she held on.

As the sound system was on, Ryleigh clutched onto the microphone, gripping tighter when she counted down the seconds until she could walk onto the stage. But then, her breathing started to get a bit too heavy.

'Don't be nervous.' Rory softly tells her, confidently placing his palms on her cheeks and tilting her head slightly to see him. He read her eyes as they spoke fear and betrayal.

'You've done nothing wrong.' He whispers.

The crew whispered 'five seconds,' and she walked onto the stage without saying anything to Rory.

She gave it her all as soon as she took the stage. Every word she sang and held onto, tasting the pain, everything she felt this week and the five years previously went into this song. She held on to the final note for her big finish, and the crowd roared for her. The feedback had mixed messages, but they understood why she took this approach and were not surprised. Rory waits for her as she exits the stage; overwhelmed by her performance, she sheds a few tears.

'I don't know why I'm acting like this?' Ryleigh tells him.

'It's fine. Come here.' He wraps his arms around her. She buries her face in his chest, and then he kisses her forehead. 'You don't have to say anything, I understand.' She looks up at him. 'I'm here for you.'

He fixes her hair. Ryleigh had to be cautious because Russell was still her fiancée, and she wanted to work out their problems first. She fought the temptation to kiss him and hid her face against his chest.

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