Chapter 47

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Doing this group song was becoming more stressful than they had ever imagined. Being in each other's pockets all day brought a lot of tension to everyone. Nobody started to be free anymore. For that, it was making Ryleigh uncomfortable as she was never upset with Rory. Like she was picking favourites.

For the majority of the days, Rory continued to disagree with Jayden's requests, nearly leading to an argument between Elliot and him. It almost got so bad that Ryleigh and Josh had to seize Rory and tell him to "suck it up."

Every time he saw the disappointment in Ryleigh's eyes, he knew he had to stop acting like a child throwing a tantrum.

When they returned to the house, Rory kept his distance from Ryleigh and anyone he'd crossed their boundaries with. He'd talk it out with Elliot, and he was easily forgivable. However, he wondered if Ryleigh would be the same.

To get five minutes of peace, Ryleigh even offered to clean the dishes after dinner, although they had a dishwasher pretty much running every day.

She let out her rage by cleaning the crockery rough, waiting for the music from her headphones to calm her naturally.

A hand waves across her face and looks over at Rory as she removes her right earbud.

'Can I help you with the clean-up?' He asks her nicely.

'Yeah. But I would like to keep these on if you don't mind.' She replies, pointing to her headphones.

'Sure. As long as I get to be near you.' He says. As Rory gets a tea towel, she's blushing, and her anger starts to disappear.

Most of them preferred to eat dinner alone, but Ryleigh insisted they should all still eat together, almost starting another argument. Rory stepped in to defend her but rudely responded that she didn't need his assistance. The anger in her was going to make any man scared.

Usually, he would bite back, but he needed to give her some space because she was important to him. He needed to give her a comfortable distance without feeling like he's ignored her completely or gone off her.

As Ryleigh sat at the table, Rory joined her, but she didn't say a word until she broke the silence. She did so by apologising. He took her hand and kissed it, telling her she didn't need to apologise for anything.

Rory gives her a side eye once in a while as he cleans and stores the dishes away. Ryleigh does the same, drawing a thin line between her lips, trying to avoid smiling. Because if she shows her quick happiness, Rory wins her affection easily every day. If he catches this, he'll easily win her over.

While he waits for Ryleigh to look away, he takes the headphones out of her right ear, inserts them into his left ear, and starts listening to the music.

When Rory recognises the band, he is taken aback to discover that the strong riffs and hammering drum rhythms are her favourite sounds.

'Surprise me you like this sort of stuff.' He says.

'I'm full of surprises.' She mocks.

'Yes, you are.'

Her smile finally cracked through. Rory's done it and has warmed her over. Ryleigh sighs in relief as she drains the sink after finishing the cleaning. What good timing that was.

'I think I'm going to sort some washing out.' She states, hiding her eagerness to hug him.

'You're going to have to explain that one to me.'

'I mean laundry. Fold some clothes away.'

'Ah, well, you're on your own with that one. Can't be arsed.'

'Hmm, surprised with you. Thought you would like to watch me.'

Rory raises his brows. 'You know it's not the same.'

'It's another step closer...'

Oomph, she's good.

Ryleigh wanted to get away, but it was harder to leave him; now, she's started it off.

Rory considered following her when he thought, "It's a small room, tiny, bodies touching close. There is no way a camera crew can follow us in."

He knew very well that she was thinking the same thing.

'That's a risky move.' Rory speaks as though he may have to miss it, excepting defeat.

Just as Ryleigh was about to respond, Rory's phone rang. Unfortunately, the vibration banging heavily on the counter was very loud to the ears, as he refuses to have a crappy ringtone and leaves it on silent.

'It's Josh. I'd better take it.'

In her back Jean pocket, Ryleigh's phone rings as Rory exits the kitchen.

'Hey, Kelsie.' She answers the phone.

'Hey, is Rory with you?'

'No. He just answered the phone to Josh?' Ryleigh replies with confusion.

'Ok, whatever you do, do not let Rory go crazy. Keep him close to you and calm him down.'

'Huh. Why?'

'He'll have to tell you that.'

'K, I would like to know-'


From the patio doors, Ryleigh can hear the angry voice. Rory smacks the patio doors so forcefully that the glass almost breaks. He stomps into the entrance, picks up his car keys and slams the front door.

'He's just left.' She tells Kelsie over the phone.

'Ah! Go get him, please.' Kelsie begs.

Ryleigh hurried out of the house as she spotted the car's glaring headlights approaching her. She tapped on the bonnet to tell him to stop.

'Rory. What's going on?' She peers over the driver's side.

'Just leave it, Ryleigh. I don't want to talk about it.' He mumbles a little.

'Look, whatever it is, it can be sorted.'

'Please, Ryleigh. I don't want to shout at you.'

'Well, let me in. We don't have to talk.'

'It's not that simple! Please let me go...I will come back.'

Ryleigh meets his hurt eyes. Whatever it was, she wasn't sure if she could fix it. He had never looked at her so depressed before. Yet, she had to trust him.

'You promise?'

It was a big commitment for Ryleigh to suggest, but it was the only way to reassure her that he won't do anything reckless. Rory says he's changing; he can't go back on his word. Not for Layla, Ryleigh or himself.

'Yes.' He finally spoke.

She let go of his car door and let him drive away. The screech of his tyres faded away into the LA night.

'Hey, what's going on?' Elliot yelled through the open room as Ryleigh stepped back into the house.

'I don't know. Rory took off, and I don't know why.' Ryleigh explained.

'I do...' Jayden says as he holds his phone out for everyone to see.

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