Chapter 48

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The clock ticks by, and there is no sign of Rory. An hour passed, and she was tempted to call or text to see if he was alright. But Ryleigh promised his space, and she should respect that. So, in the end, she called Kelsie.

'Hey, Rory hasn't come back yet, and it's been over an hour. Do you have any updates?'

'No, sadly. The only thing I'm aware of is that he asked Josh to meet him somewhere. But he wasn't clear, so it's becoming a witch hunt.'

'Shit. This doesn't sound good.'

'We have a feeling he might be drunk.'

'K. He took his car!'

'I know. I'm hoping he's called Josh to at least let him not do that.'

Ryleigh sighs. 'I don't know what to say to him when he comes back. Where do I start with this topic?'

'I can't give you any advice on this might have to let him take the lead.'

'Ok. Let me know if you have any updates.'

'I will.'

As they ended their call, Ryleigh swiped back to the article Jayden showed. This is big news. Surprising and haunting at the same time. After having no contact most of his life and suddenly, it's there in the wrong manner through some poxy sleazy journalist looking to stir the pot.

From the sound of it, he doesn't seem to have any remorse, only hatred towards Rory's mother and no sympathy for the loss of his brother. He might have been upset, but the journalist might have interpreted his response using a rhetorical question to get him to say what they desired to hear—a similar way at the award show about her ex-fiancee and their relationship.

Rory must be devastated to learn the news that way, and Ryleigh wishes he had stayed instead of drinking himself into despair.

She would have comforted him and absorbed his misery; let him see the good people he has in his life and why he shouldn't let them down and keep looking up.

It's nearly midnight, and there is no sign of Rory or any update from Kelsie. Laying on the couch and waiting endless hours made her tired. Worrying most of the evening really drained her out.

'Ry. I think you need to go to bed.' Elliot suggested.

She rubs her hands over her face, 'I wished he come back.'

'You need to sleep as we got to finish our song.'

She agrees and goes up the stairs, but just before she disappears, Ryleigh hears some commotion downstairs.

'Come on, mate. This way.'

'No. I need to see her.'

'Rory?' Ryleigh said, rushing down the stairs. He was there while Josh carried him across the room using all his strength. Rory's eyes were sore, bloodshot with guilt. He raised his eyes and grinned intoxicatedly.

'I promised I'd come back.' He slurs.

'Let's take you over here.' She helps Josh over to the couch. When they reached it, Rory slumped down into it with ease.

'How did you find him?' Ryleigh asks Josh.

'I ensured he stayed on the line with me to track his location. He was on the strip, completely out of it. Found his car and brought him back in it.'

'Thank you so much, Josh.' She stares at Rory, who has his head cocked back and his neck tattoos visible. 'I dunno how I'm going to approach this.'

'It's worse than I thought.'

'Please tell me you're not in trouble with your manager?'

'No. Kelsie told them straight. Hopefully, we've convinced them enough that he won't do it again.'

'I can hear everything you know.' Rory croaked out and then lifted his head to see them. 'I'm sorry, Ryleigh, I don't know what to do...'

'Hey, hey hey...' She stops him before he rambles and sits beside him, gripping his hands. '...we can talk about this in the morning.'

As he gawps at her, Ryleigh can see he is ready to lose control and break all the rules they said they wouldn't do. She would love to kiss him if it makes him feel better.

'I'll make you some toast and coffee.' She states and walks into the kitchen. Keeping a little distance for the better.

'I better start making this bed.' Josh implies.

'No!' Rory calls out. 'I don't need to be taken care of. I'm fine.' He gets up but then stumbles. Josh was there to rescue him again.

'Off to bed, it is then.' Josh decided.

They took their time to take Rory up the stairs without him knowing he was being helped. Then, instead of turning to his room, he followed Ryleigh.

'No. This way, mate.' Josh instructs him, and Rory snatches his arm away.

'I need to be with her.' Rory insists

'No, you can't. We agreed that-'

'Josh, it's fine.' Ryleigh interjects. 'He can have my bed, and I'll sleep in one of the spare ones.'

Josh was still uncertain.

'He stayed with me while I was bad. I need to return the favour.'

He agrees and lets Rory follow her. She thanks Josh one more time and lets Rory go into her room.

The room went silent, and Rory was still worse for wear, running his hands through his hair.

'I'll let you get set. I'll be in the bathroom.' She tells him.

Within the five minutes she was there, Rory had changed and fallen asleep in her bed. He looked very comfortable scrunching up the duvet, and his head was practically buried into her pillow.

She is so close to jumping in and holding him until the sun rises. But, Ryleigh lies on the bed opposite, letting her tired eyes drift away.

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