Chapter 51

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After the video shoot, she ensured they were from each other at arm's length. However, the foreplay is getting out of hand, and Ryleigh knows that if Rory finds the right place to turn her on, she'll never let go.

Out of all the challenges she's been in, this, by far, has been the hardest one. But, Jayden has made everything difficult and challenged everyone's ideas and contributions.

In the rehearsal for the live show, the stage choreography taught them how to move on stage effortlessly while singing their song. It seemed to be going well.

After running it for the third time, Ryleigh's vocals were hard to control, and we were hurting as she chugged a large amount of water down. They attempted to rerun it, but she sounded worse and had to quit halfway through. She waved her hand out while she was stopping was coughing aggressively.

'Ok, I think we need to stop.' Rory says into his microphone, 'Ryleigh's voice is starting to hurt.'

'We can't.' Jayden said, 'It's not sounding right.' He glares at him.

'I agree, man, but we should stop for a bit. Let's take a 10 min break.' The teacher tells him.

'I'm sorry, guys.' Ryleigh says.

'It's fine. We need you to rest.' Elliot says, pulling her in for a hug, and walks off the stage. Aston comes past and pats her on the shoulder.

'You should have stopped after the second time. You need to stop straining it.' Rory tells her, concerned.

'I know, but we've got to get it right.' She replies with a sense of panic.

'It's fine, as long as we keep singing and enjoying the song. It wouldn't look like it's a mess.'

Rory hears a scoff from behind him.

'Yeah, right.' Jayden passes them both but glares at her, 'Thanks a lot Ryleigh.' It sounds disrespectful and inconsiderate.

It frustrated Rory as his fists clenched, ready to get up to his face. She can detect the fury in his eyes and tries to jump in front of him to stop, but he was too quick.

'Hey, you don't talk to her like that. Who do you think you are?' He squares up to Jayden.

'Rory, just let it go.' Ryleigh catches up with him.

'Jesus, man, what's you're problem?' Jayden got tense.

'You can't keep being rude to people like that. It doesn't make you any better.' Rory tells him. 'I've had enough of it!'

'Whatever, man.' Jayden walks away.

'Rory, don't.' She grabs his arm so he can't chase him. 'Go get some fresh air and come back when you're ready.'

He can see she's hurt by him creating a scene.

'Will you come with me a sec? I want to talk to you.'

She didn't like his tone; her chest tightened, and her mind overthought.

Rory takes her out to the side stage door, where the fresh air of L.A humid heat rushed at them. He made sure it was a quiet place.

'What's wrong?' Ryleigh asks as she seems worried, and he leans on the wall.

'I'm worried that I'm fucking this up before it even begins.' He starts to worry while looking at her. 'I feel like I'm bringing you down with my problems. You don't need that.'

'You're stressed and overthinking everything. It'll be fine.' Ryleigh reassures him.

'I care about you so much, Ry. Anyone that says bad of you, I can't take it. I have to step in.'

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