Chapter 3

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Despite having her clothing all out and taking her time with her make-up, her nerves began to get the best of her, and she would gladly board back onto a plane to return home. Kelsie was there to reassure her that she'd be fine. She wore a dark grey vest with her black trainers, a black kimono, dark denim jeans, and Ryleigh wore her blonde hair down.

On her way in the car with Kelsie, she spoke to Ryleigh about what would happen and listened to the producer's instructions. Ryleigh's thoughts became numb as if she were experiencing a brain freeze, and she wished for more time to think about it. It's not about making music, but about being on TV. Is she going to make a fool of herself? By not looking like the stardom rockstar?

She kept trying to listen to Kelsie but never hung onto her words at all, to the point that she didn't know the car had stopped. Kelsie patted her arm and told her it was time to go into the studio.

Exhaling a deep breath, Ryleigh exits the car. She was standing in front of the wide-open door like being on a LA backstage film set, and it didn't feel like she was standing there. Her two feet were stuck on the smooth concrete floor and the heated sun of the warm air blowing swiftly in the wind. Then it hit her; she wasn't in the UK anymore.

'Hold it there, let's take a picture.' Kelsie takes out her phone and snaps a photo of Ryleigh near the car. 'A nice start for your soon-to-be fans.' She wasn't prepared to pose, and she hadn't even been instructed on how to take the perfect candid image. Instead, she returns with a smile without saying anything.

Ryleigh watches everyone in black clothing scuttering around, sorting the finishing touches as they walk in. Finally, when they made it to the large open stage with the empty seats, Kelsie gave her one last prep talk.

'Now I know you're nervous, but once you go in, take a seat and relax. Talk to some of the contestants if you want to and smile.' Ryleigh nodded and wandered in. 'Good luck.'

She tries not to get in the way of everyone sorting the cameras and lights, who were rushing around frantically like headless chickens. Walking towards the first row of seats, Ryleigh can see the judge's table with three empty seats ready to be filled facing the stage. On the stage, shining in the spotlight, stood a microphone in the centre.

Some of her competitors had already arrived and were sitting there waiting. With their tats, colourful hair, and dark outfits, they looked like rock stars, and the more she looked at them, the more insecure she felt. Ryleigh, on the other hand, appeared to be about to pick up the kids from school.

She found an empty seat next to a girl with pastel purple hair and loose French plats, a Nirvana t-shirt, and ripped skinny black jeans. Her brownish eyes and complexion shone thanks to her luxurious eyeliner, purple eyeshadow, and bright pink lipstick.

'Sup, I'm Ester.' She introduced herself politely.

'Ryleigh.' She replied. 'Congrats on getting on the show.'

'Thank you. This Brooklyn gal isn't going to stop at anything. What state are you from?'

As Ester continued to speak, Ryleigh's gaze was drawn to another candidate entering the room, his hood up and sat a few seats behind them. He seemed to hide himself away so she couldn't get a good look at him. She was fortunate enough to hear Ester's question.

'Er, I'm actually from the UK.'

'Oh my god, are you from England?' She delivered a solid American accent. 'Jokes, I'm not like that.' Ryleigh chuckled, 'Should I say hello, guvnor?'

'No, we don't do that.' Ryleigh shook her head, and Ester shrugged with a teasing smile.

A girl with blue hair and dark roots, a lip ring, and a whole right side arm outline tattoo sits next to Ester, looking bored and impatient. She was about to introduce herself when Ester gave her a "don't bother" look. Then, out of the corner of her eye, Ryleigh noticed the guy who came in again. He's still wearing his hood and is staring directly at the stage. Her gaze was drawn to his kind eyes, which contrasted with the rest of his face, which was broad and tense.

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