Chapter 29

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Without wasting any time, Ryleigh and Rory got changed into some comfortable gear and filled up several water bottles.

As she was putting the final bottle into her bag in the hallway, Ashton walked in.

'Where you guys going?'

'Taking her on a hike of L.A., ' Rory replies and has been eager to have time with just her.

'Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning it. Mind if I tag along?'

Rory wanted to say "no" for a split second and knew it would be too rude. He hesitated for a millisecond too long, and Ryleigh replied.

'I don't see why not. Maybe we should ask the others?'

Slightly deflated, Rory couldn't refuse and give a good reason without giving his feelings away.

Once they arrive at the starting point, pass the Griffith Observatory building. All pure white with round-shaped black roofs cadged around greenery mountains. Ryleigh had a good feeling about this area and was excited to go somewhere new. She opened her arms, closed her eyes, and breathed in the scent of the California sun.

Rory watches her, glad to see her true colours and the enthusiasm she'd felt at coming out here.

'So tour guide, what is this place?' Elliot mocks.

'Griffith Park. We're taking the Charlie Turner trail.' He answered. 'One of the best ones to go to.'

'Let's go then.' Ester instructs the group, and everyone follows except Ryleigh.

She needed to re-tie the shoelace of her hiking boots, and Rory looked back, waiting for her to finish. Then, finally, Ryleigh finished and rejoined with Rory after the gang had gotten a little further ahead.

'So tour guide. Tell me about here.' She teases, and he chuckles.

'I was hoping you wouldn't have heard that. Come on. We better get going. We're starting to fall behind.'

'Leave them. We're in no rush.' Ryleigh says and walks past with a cheeky smirk on her face. It took Rory a few moments to realise what she was saying, and he assumed she wanted the hike to be just the two of them. The penny had dropped.

'Oh, you're good.' He states and catches up with her.

They stroll along the dusty trail, which is periodically shaded by trees. Until there was nothing left but the sun on her lily-white skin. It was a little quiet at first. To begin with, Rory let her take in the sights. He hasn't been up here in years since he was released from prison. Even though things hadn't changed much, it felt like he was headed somewhere new again. He'd even forget about the joys of living in Los Angeles.

'Do you come up here often?' Ryleigh breaks the ice.

'Not as much as I should, really.' Rory starts but chokes a little in his throat. He was bizarrely feeling nervous.

'You alright?' Ryleigh caught on.

'It's just...I remember the last time I was here. It was just before I went to prison. I took a walk around here, wondering if what I was doing was the right thing. Pleading guilty. The trial wasn't that long away. In fact, I almost missed the birth of Layla. Having no signal and that.'

'At least you made it.'

'Yeah...Sorry, Ry. I didn't want this to be a downer for you.'

She smiles, 'It's ok. At least you got to see her this week.'

'I'm glad too.'

Everything comes pouring back to Rory's last visit here. It was to clear his head in preparation for his trial and the possibility that Layla was his daughter. He was still enraged at his ex, and he knew that drugs and alcohol would be an easy way to divert his attention away from his feelings. But he resisted and drove miles up the mountains. He had to admit that it did make him better at the time.

Ryleigh lets his remorse to his traumatic memories. The sadness in his eyes only made her wonder if he'd ever will be better in himself or if there was anything she could do to take it all away.

When they arrived at the bridge, Ryleigh paused to take in the view of the mountains that reached over the bright blue sky. She had to adjust her golden fringe slightly due to a slight breeze swopping it, and she let the hair from her ponytail swoop through the wind.

Rory and Ryleigh kept the discussion flowing as freely as they wanted as they climbed higher. They went slower as the trail became steeper, but it felt as if time had stopped for them to stay in the moment for what they thought they could only have for now.

Sometimes Ryleigh would suddenly stop and look over her shoulders so she could capture every angle and see the sun fly over the mountains. So they keep walking up the hill and begin the Hollywood trial. They stopped as soon as they got a decent view of the Hollywood sign and stood there, soaking it all in.

'Do you ever wonder if doing this show was a good idea?' Ryleigh asks.

Rory shook his head, 'No. I'm done living with regrets, as it never gets you anywhere. And you shouldn't be thinking like that. You know this is a good thing for you.'

'I know....I just don't believe it yet.'

'Well, I do....' Rory grabs her hand. '..I believe in you.' Then, he squeezes it. Ryleigh smiles warmly in response. Rory's touch causes her heart to race, and the heat rushes to her chest.

'I guess I'm still finding it all surreal. Like, being in it is one thing, then watching at home wishing to be in it is another. I can't help but think I've thrown myself into the deep end while they are still sharks circling around me. I'm waiting for something to come and bite back on me....figure of speech.'

'Ryleigh...' Rory makes her face him and puts his hands on her shoulders. ' matter what you choose or what you do. Here, right now, is what you only need to think about. Forget about everybody. Only concentrate on yourself. That's all that matters.....And whatever you decide....'His hands travel down her arms and grasp her hands, '....I'll be here. Even if you are a thousand miles away.'

Without saying a word, Ryleigh closes the gap, falls onto his chest, and circles her hands around his waist. Rory holds her tightly, exhaling deeply as they relax and look over the L.A. view.

'You're too kind for your own good.' She kids, and he giggles. 'What if I'm some horrible person?'

'It's a chance I'm willing to take.' He responds with a cheerful grin.

At that moment that Ryleigh knew she was falling in love with Rory. But this time she wasn't going to hide her feelings any longer, and she was going to let the universe take care of it.

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