Chapter 41

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Feeling full from her meal with Kelsie, she observes everyone unwinding by the pool but doesn't spot Rory. She tried not to ask as it'll sound desperate.

Catching up with everyone, Rory comes back and changes his hair colour. The bright bleach was stripped out, turned back to its original colour, and cut shorter. Elliot made a wolf whistling sound.

'Wow, you've finally gone on done it.' Ryleigh says. Although the blonde looked great on him, the coffee-coloured hair was more alluring.

'Yeah, feel much better about it.' He says and takes a seat on the sun lounger next to her. She examines his haircut, noting how healthy-looking and smooth it is.

'I have something for you.' He whispers in her ear. 'I drew a tattoo for you, and I want you to see it.'

She beams a smile at him while blushing slightly on her cheeks. He takes her by the hand and leads her into his room inside the house.

Opening the door made it appear cleaner, and they left the balcony door open to let fresh air circulate through the room.

Rory pulls up a book of his recent drawings and turns to the page for her. The fox tilts its head up, standing out in its original orange against a watercolour background of purples and blues that melt into one another. The drawing itself is beautiful, and it's drawn for Ryleigh. She tried not to give it away; she loved it already.

'Why the fox?'

'There's a belief of a spirit animal in everyone, and when I think about it for you, I think of a fox. They may be cunning and crafty but can also shift easily when unpredictable and remain flexible. I've never met someone who can do that. I think it's incredible.' She stays quiet, looking at the picture. 'Maybe you were looking for your favourite animal? I should have asked, really.'

'Foxes are my favourite, actually.' She looks at him smiling, appreciating the detail of it. He smiles back, relieved. 'Where would you think I should have it?'

'On your forearm.' He said without hesitation. He already had it on the stencil, placed it over the top of her skin just below the elbow, and viewed it in the long mirror. Ryleigh looks at it and immediately wants it stamped on her now before she changes her mind. 'You don't have to get it now, but I will always keep it if you want it.'

'Thanks. I love it. I'll let you know.' He loves her smile and can't help but grin back. 'Show me more.' She pointed to the book, and they took a seat on the edge of his bed, flipping through the pages as he described each one, very intrigued and listening carefully.


Now being only half the contestants left, it started to make the house look bigger. Ryleigh was still the first one awake and waited for everyone to come downstairs and always hoped Rory would come down next. She hopes it's him, as he's a good chef out of all of them. The tea and toast in the morning have an odd taste to what she would usually have at home.

They travel to the studio for their next challenge. Returning back was more pleasant because Rory felt better now that Blake had left.

As they all stood in the row, standing opposite the judges, Ryleigh wondered what the next challenge would be as she second-guessed by floating ideas in her head.

'We all know there are a thousand love songs out there. Falling in love, heartbreak, or even being the party animal player.' Marcus instructs them. 'It doesn't have to be soppy or a Ballard. We want you to do it your way. See you in a few days.'

Ryleigh thought of an idea there and then but knew it would be too easy and with the people dropping. So her comfort zone would be too safe and predictable. Sure everyone has been through a terrible break-up, but there are so many around that work or don't, so she went for plan B.

Soaking the sun on the balcony and delicately plucking the strings, she considered how challenging it would be to get this right. Maybe plan A is a better option. She thought again and reversed her idea, and continued with plan B. Besides, perhaps they won't figure it out.


'Come on, Ry? You can't keep this one away from me?'

'I want it to be a surprise.' Ryleigh says, chewing on the end of the pen with so many scribbles.

'I want to see!' They started to give her a puppy-eyed look. 'I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours.'

'Give it up, Ester. I'm not telling you.' She wasn't going to give in. Ryleigh believed her spirit animal was the fox, being quite sly and cunning.

'Alright, fine. It better be good.' Ester tantalised her while snacking on potato chips on the counter.

As Ester left, Ryleigh plopped herself on the sofa, scrolling through her phone. She noticed that Rory posted his new hair pictures of himself online. The shipping tag Kelsie was telling her about would become a hot issue if she made a jokey remark as everyone would see it.

It then popped up that Rory started a live video. It was odd because he's never done one before and clicked on it.

'Hey, all my wonderful fans, I thought I would give you a tour of the house I'm staying in while being on Battle of the Rockstar.' Rory addresses the camera. His voice's expression of friendliness warmed her heart.

Ryleigh switched it off and went back to her notepad with a plan for her verses. She was, however, absorbed in her world and missed Rory's entrance.

'This person here is my favourite person in the world...' She laughs as Rory locks his other arm around her shoulder while the camera is pointed in their direction. '... I've never met someone like her.'

'And I've never met someone like him.' She echoed back, glancing at him and then back to the camera. 'But really, he's a pain in the butt.' She tells anyone who is watching, and they laugh together.

'Bye, Ryleigh. I'm going to show the kitchen.' Rory says and moves over to the kitchen, panning around more of the place.

After an hour of seeing Rory, he sits on the sofa next to her. Then, after finishing a productive writing session, she settles herself into reading a book on her tablet.

'What was that all about?' She quizzes him.

'It was Josh's idea. Me interacting with my fans would be a good level point for me. Hasn't Kelsie given you anything like that?'

She shook her head and was about to tell him what opportunities Kelsie had told her and decided not to. They are supportive of each other, but what she had was bigger, and she felt like she was rubbing it in his face.

'You'll might get one. So what are you thinking of doing for your love song?' He asks.

Rory undoubtedly anticipated what Ryleigh would be doing; she just had recently ended a long-term relationship. There must be a lot of things that would hurt from it.

'I'm not saying.'

He raises his eyebrows. 'It's not like you to keep it a secret.'

'Maybe I am like my spirit animal after all.' She teases with a smirk, and he reflects.

'It's going to be like that? Fine, I'm not telling you mine then.'

'No? You're keeping secrets too?'

'Well, it won't be when they hear it on the night.' He taps her knee and gets up to get a drink. 

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