Chapter 39

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Rory, who was appalled by Marcus, couldn't help but display anger, and Ryleigh briefly closed her eyes to process what he had just said.

'You got to be fucking kidding me.' Rory muttered, but enough for everyone to hear.

'Rory...' Ryleigh said quietly, looking over at him, and she shook her head and pleaded for him not to react.

'So, let's go back to what we are doing and see you at rehearsal.' Marcus finishes.

The camera had stopped, and Ryleigh had lost an hour of her recording time. She was determined to remain longer today, but Kelsie insisted she not and decided not to argue with her.

As Ryleigh spoke to Kelsie, she could hear how irritated he sounded while talking to Josh, his voice slightly raised enough to catch her attention.

'He should be gone. Why can't they see that?' Rory asks him.

'It's the decision they made. There is nothing we can do.' Josh replies.


'You need to concentrate on your song....'

Ryleigh returned to Kelsie after deciding she didn't want to hear any more.

'I know you want to look after me today, but I'm ordering you and Josh to have some time together. He needs it.'

'I don't think I can. He has Rory to deal with.' When Rory is upset over anything like this, Kelsie can see how overwhelmed Josh becomes.

'I know, but maybe being away from him and not arguing might be better?'

Kelsie can see what Ryleigh has planned, and for Rory to be on his own to record would be better. Rory will only complain to Josh all day and become concerned when Ryleigh is out of his sight.

'I understand. I'll see what I can do.' Kelsie approaches him to draw Josh aside for a quiet discussion.

Forgetting Josh's disappearance, Ryleigh encouraged Rory to come over to her.

'What a load of shit.' Rory states, still frustrated.

'That's what they said, and we'll have to deal with it.' He sighs, 'So, could you do the same, please?' He studies her, amazed at how she's taking it. 'Keep your distance like I'm doing, and don't let it bother you.'

He nods. 'I won't, but I swear to god, Ry, if he does - I can't help but defend you.'

'I understand.' She smiles at him. 'I'll see you later.' She reaches out and kisses him on the cheek.

She had to stop since it would appear suspicious.


Throughout the week, everyone kept it civil and no broken bones on Blakes's face, which was a relief.

The media noticed the incident as the TV show aired a teaser trailer, wanting to know what happened between the three of them. As they begin to unravel the story, the general public appears to support Rory and Ryleigh and disapproves of Blake's behaviour.

She had the impression that he would struggle to escape the live performances, where additional security had been put in place for everyone's protection. Fans, however, tend to lose control. She recalls a time when a band had to deal with the replacement of a singer because the majority of the audience would boo him on stage and possibly throw things.

This week, Rory's song received the greatest attention, and he was happy to follow Ryleigh's suggestion to perform it solo with the piano.

Most of the time, Blake stayed away from everyone, and Rory always kept Ryleigh close to him as possible. She didn't mind him doing so, in fact, it made her realise that she wanted him, and she could sense he felt the same too.

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