Coming Soon...

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Want to know what happened to Ester with the purple hair after the show?

Here is a sneak insight into my new story Not Just a Fan

This is a spin-off after "Losing My Mind" happens.



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He's the adventure she always wanted and she's the warmth he needed....

After entering 'Battle of the Rockstar' and coming in 6th, Ester has a new plan to kick start her music career with the help of her twin brother, Eric. She plays the keyboard and dreams to be on tour being a hired musician.

What she didn't expect is to be accepted to work alongside Drew Klax or "Absent" as his stage name. He has a reputation to act like a diva and has been found difficult to work with. There are many times he has fired his staff for not complying. A fan of his music in general, she has to try to be professional and Ester holds on to secure her place on the tour.

Drew see's something in Ester that he hasn't felt in a long time, never one to let his guard down he suddenly has no control on what he does and it starts to scare him. He may seem a jackass but he has had a hard time trusting anyone. For Ester to understand, he has to start letting her in. Would he be able to finally let go of the painful past that he holds on to? Would the music that brings them together tear them apart.....


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