Chapter 5

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Ryleigh was the first to wake up the following day, finding Katlyn's bed still empty, Ester drooling over her pillow in her dress, and Melody, Harper, and Tessa sound asleep.

Instead of going downstairs in her PJs, she showered and dressed in a white t-shirt and the jeans she wore the night before. The space downstairs remained silent, and she tried to be as quiet as possible. The camera crew is on standby at the bottom of the stairs, and she must pretend they aren't there, but they are too obvious.

Going to the fridge to get some milk and make a cup of tea with the tea bags they gave her, hoping that they were good English tea, she came across some bread and decided to make toast. While relaxing on the island, she checks her social media and is surprised by what has emerged in recent days.

There are articles about unveiling the show and a portrait photo she provided with a brief bio. The majority of UK news outlets are rooting for her and wishing her the best of luck. She sipped the tea, and it didn't taste anything like the tea she remembered from home.

Overnight, she got a video message from her work colleagues wishing her luck and promising to watch the show, as well as one from Russell, who said,

"Glad you're safe. Love you."

Ryleigh was irritated by his affection and wished he would offer more, but he never did on social media, and that was enough for her to believe she wasn't important to him. The ring on her finger should be acceptable, but it doesn't feel that way. Every day, she wakes up feeling that something is missing but can't put her finger on it, and if she could figure out what it is, she would change it right away. As she scrolls down on her phone, the sound of footsteps distracts her.

'Morning. How are you up this early?' Rory walked in wearing only his jogging bottoms.

The pain of her chest tightening returns, but this time with a vengeance. She studies the pretty designs on his chest and wonders how far they go before being covered by his bottoms' waistband. Then, not to make it obvious, she looked back up.

'Morning. I just wasn't tired anymore and just woke up.' She blurted out and closed her eyes for a brief moment of humiliation, thinking, "Smooth Ryleigh, Smooth."

He smirked, 'I can see that. Have you got any of that tea left?' She caught him studying her as well, and something enigmatic about him drew her interest.

'You'll have to get your own. Ryleigh doesn't share.' She taunts and sips on hers while smirking back.

He gives her one last look before walking past her. Ryleigh crooks her neck to discover more tattoos on his back; the attention to detail on his flawless skin is incredible. She immediately remembers the camera is switched on and returns her gaze to the crumbs on her empty plate. Rory returns and takes a seat next to her.

'No food?'

Rory shrugs. 'I'll eat later.' He tells her.

'I never asked about you and why you'd come here?' She asked.

'I know that's very rude of you.' He teases her, and she laughs it off.

She behaves like this with her coworkers from time to time to relieve stress, and to have the response from Rory, made her feel at ease.

'I wanted to prove to people that I am not an asshole anymore, and I've changed. I'm doing this for my daughter.' He said.

'What makes you think that you're an asshole? I haven't seen that from you.'

He chuckles. 'That's because you haven't given me a reason to be.' She smiles. 'But seriously, I've done some bad stuff, and I wanted to prove that I am willing to change and be given a second chance.'

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