Chapter 13

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After celebrating another victory and farewell, they have a relaxing day. Ester considered having a night out in LA, and most of them agreed with her. They want to do so after they reveal the next challenge.

The boys messed around in the pool while the girls relaxed on the sun loungers nearby. Rory can't take his gaze away from Ryleigh's body, dressed in a black tired-up bikini, which didn't go well when he played water volleyball.

'Check it out. Ryleigh made the news.' Ester called out, and Ryleigh sat up to read the article on her phone regarding the conflict she had with Harper and Kaylin and that her advice made them become attention seekers for the show. It also said the advice Ryleigh gave was nothing but scripted to bump the ratings up.

'Damn it, that's what they think.'

'I wouldn't worry.' Ester told her.

'Thanks for the publicity.' Kaylin tells Ryleigh and winks at her.

Frustrated from the response, she made her way to the pool and sat in the shallow end.

'Ryleigh, come join?' Elliot asks her, and she shakes her head and graciously says no.

Apart from Rory, nobody knows she can't swim, and she wants to keep it that way. With her legs dangling on the edge of the pool, she leans back a little, letting the sun warm on her stomach.

Rory was etching to get closer to her again. He has no regrets about taking Ryleigh's hand and kissing her cheek because she deserves all the attention he can give her. The light blonde hair was getting lighter, and her skin started to show a light tan.

'Hey Ry, your phone is ringing.' Ester shouts out, and she leaps from the pool to see "Mum'" appear on her phone.

She grabs a towel and makes her way into the kitchen.

'Hey, mum. How's it going? Have you been watching?'

'Yes, you need to start minding your language, missy on that show!'

That's the first thing her mother notices, all the negatives first.

'Alright, I try not to. Anyway, what do you think? I can't believe I am making it-.'

'Darling, please come home.' Her mum cuts her off just as she begins to ramble.

'What? Why?'

'This isn't for you. Just quit while it's in the early stages. They tend to forget those people then.'

Ryleigh's jaw dropped, even though her mum couldn't see her.

'Why are you against it?'

'It's not for you. Those type of people falls into heavy alcohol and drugs. Most of them look like they already hit that road.'

'Mum, they're not like that.' Ryleigh defends her new friends.

'That man you're hanging around with used to be one.'

She realized her mum was referring to Rory.

'His name is Rory.'

'Well, I don't like you hanging around with him. He seems trouble.'

'Mum, I'm twenty-eight years old. I think I know when to judge if somebody is a bad person. But he's left that behind him. Now he's learned his lesson from it. I know they aren't showing much of the good things, but he is a good guy. They only show what they want their viewers to see.'

Ryleigh said that from the bottom of her heart because no one shouldn't be judged on their looks and what they've done. She had a good sense of character and stayed away from the bad ones, like Blake.

'It's upsetting to Russell and us.'

'I talked to him a couple of days ago, and he seems fine with it now. Why can't you? All my life, I always thought that I was directing myself to a better way because it's was a "safe choice". I never took risks, and now this is my time to. I know when it'll be wrong, and if it doesn't work, I'll come back home and return to what I know best.'

The dial tone was loud in their ears, and there was silence.

'Just be careful.' Her mum said and hung up.

Ryleigh huffs and spins round to see Rory standing by the doors. Stunned by his appearance, she's curious to know how much he heard and whether he appreciates it.

Rory listened when she said his name and how generous she stood up for him. It made his stomach flutter even more, and he wondered how this girl could have such an effect on him. Nobody has done this, not even the mother of his child. Everything about her was different, and her feisty spirit made him weak in the knees. He imagines touching her soft skin with his hands or lips as he studies her.

'How long have you been there?' She questions him.

'Long enough.' He replies and comes closer to stand in front of her, 'You don't have to do that. It's not worth it. Like you said, I can't make everyone like me.'

She examines the details of his chest tattoo of a wolf around skulls with a pin-up girl wearing skeleton make-up. Everything blended beautifully.

'I just got annoyed with her because I hate that she judges first before knowing somebody.' She remembered when she first dated Russell. To begin with, her mum was not fond of him. Ryleigh had no idea whom her mother felt would be the "perfect guy".

'Thanks, but you didn't need to.' Rory smiles at her, and she reflects.

When Ashton comes in, they both lose their concentration on one another.

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