Chapter 36

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Ryleigh had a great week and wasn't sure if this week could top it. However, as the number of people left steadily declined, this would become more difficult. So she'll have to kick it up a notch if she wants to stay.

That well-rested Sunday evening re-energised and re-valued the fact that the duty for the following week is about to begin. They sat around the table, drank ice-cold beer, and played simple card games to end the night. But, on the other hand, Blake was a little sulky throughout the evening.

'Damn it, going to miss my fuck buddy. Ester, Ryleigh, you in?'

The middle finger was given to him by both of the girls. She's pleased since Ester has remained on her side.

'Oh, come on, you're the only girls left.'

'And we're not interested.' Ester tells him bluntly.

Blake's behaviour towards the girls, notably Ryleigh, irritated Rory. He began to be more protective of her than he had intended.


Ready for another challenge, the judges assign a new task where they want to start opening up further and want it to be personal.

'We know that we've all gone down a slippery slope, but we also found a way of making ourselves a different person. Tell us what has made you change as a person. Good luck.' Aimee directs them.

As they all located their space to write, Ryleigh knew what she needed to do. Being here has revolutionised her life and opened new opportunities for her to do things she never thought she could. It also allowed her to experience what it was like for someone to accept her for who she is, appreciate people she had only just met, and encourage her to believe in herself.

She sings about her true colours and honesty, as she has done since the beginning. Being afraid of change is no longer on her list of agenda anymore. She claims that the voices in her head were holding her back and that she is now listening to her heart.

She built the four walls around herself in darkness, but now the cracks allow light to shine through, allowing her to see clearly what she wants to become. As a result, Ryleigh can now look forward to happier times in her life.

Ryleigh decided to end her day with her writing and change into her swimwear and overlays.

She could hear the faint melodic tune from the studio as she came downstairs. As far as she knew, Rory and Ester could both play the piano, but she passed Ester in the hallway as worked her electronic keyboard at the top of the stairs, leaving only Rory.

Opening the door gently, She noticed his strong shoulders and his hands gliding across the piano, playing a wonderful symphony with him softly singing.

He uses his voice to speak up about the brother he lost due to his selfish behaviour. His brother was supportive when Rory was behind bars but was a bad role model as he was taking drugs too. He cries over how much he misses him, how much it hurt their mother's heart, and the rejected phone call when they fell out.

Ryleigh carefully shut the door behind him as he played the final note. He noticed her and glanced behind his back.

'You never told me you had a brother?' She quizzes him gently.

'I don't like to talk about it, that's why.' His response appeared grief, and he faced back to the piano. While he replied, she sat alongside him on the seat.

'It's beautiful. He'll be proud of you, you know.' She encircles him with her arms, resting her head on his shoulder. He moves his arms to feel at ease in her embrace, holding on for a few moments. 'I don't know if you're going to add other parts into it, but I don't think you should. You and the piano are enough for this one.' Ryleigh states as she releases herself to look at him.

'You think so?' He responds softly, and she nods, her gaze falling on his guilty and sad eyes. Ryleigh grabs his hand in hers and grips it tightly.

'Tell me more, tell me what happened?'

Rory exhales deeply, preparing the words. 'I was a shit big brother. My dad left us at a young age, and all I did was become a reckless nightmare. My brother, Brendon, would follow the bad stuff I was getting myself into because he thought that's all he knew. But all I've done was lead him into a drug addict that found it harder to withdraw himself. When I got into fights, he promised me he would stop, knowing the trouble it got me in, and I believed him. He tried, but he wasn't the same person, and I didn't know him anymore. We fell out.

One night I got a call out of the blue from him and being so mad at him, I ignored it. Then the next day, I was told he was found dead. It gives me nightmares thinking about what if I answered that call? Would I be able to give him the chance to live? I hate myself for it.'

She runs her thumbs over his knuckles and sinks into the agony of what he's gone through.

'What you couldn't do for your brother is horrible. I'm sorry. But you being here and being a better dad has given you the chance to be something greater and a better person than you ever thought you could be. I admire that, and so will everyone.'

He kisses the back of her hand, grateful for her good outlook towards him, and scans her, finding her cover-up peeking out from behind a bright blue bikini.

'You going to the pool?'

'Yes, you're welcome to join me.' She tells him.

'Ok, I'll just pack up, get changed and see you there.'

Through the patio doors, no one was there; everyone must have been working on their tunes for longer. It makes Ryleigh wonder if hers is up to par for the live show. She began to have a headache at the end and thought a swim in the pool might help. So she walks into the shallow end and dips her toes. It's always colder than she expects, but she perseveres, walking in just deep enough and kneeling long enough to be wet up to her shoulders.

Further in the pool was a Lilo she wanted to lean on, and it was slowly moving away. She tries to get closer, but it's creeping away into the deep end.

Stretching out with her arm and on her tiptoes, slowly slipping away and determined to leap for it but misjudged her distance, the Lilo floated away, and she went down into the water. Ryleigh tried to raise her head, but she couldn't feel the ground and panicked, waving her arms around. Her head dropped back down, and she couldn't get up. She could see the blue waves above her struggling to breathe, and her vision began to blur.

Ryleigh felt something grab her and rush her up to the surface. Her body's reaction prompts her to re-breathe, and she coughs due to holding on for too long.

'Ryleigh, what are you doing?' Rory says, holding her up.

'I was trying to get that Lilo....and I....' She became hysterical in the aftermath of it all.

'Shh, it's ok. Don't worry.' He swims her back to the shallow end, running his fingers through her damp hair.

'Sorry and thank you.' Ryleigh calmed down, grasping her feet on the floor. 'It sucks that I can't swim.'

'I can teach you. It's pretty easy.' She gapes at him uncertainly. 'Come on.'

He grabs her hand and floats behind her, instructing her to lift her legs and lie on her front while he grips her waist. 'Just gently kick. I got you.'

He fantasised about clutching her nude skin, but he had to resist his temptations to help her swim. The way he held her made her shiver a little. Rory teaches her how to do breaststroke, and she soon gets the chance to do it in the shallow end on her own. His words of encouragement got her through.

She hugged him and crossed her legs around his middle while still in the water, a tad higher than him, feeling pleased with herself. As they stare into each other's eyes, she realises she wants him more than she should, and she remembers the cameras are on, so let's go. Rory didn't want her to move since he had something else in mind. But he didn't want to look disappointed or convince her to stay.

The sun began to set, creating shade and causing the water to become sharp and chilly.

Ryleigh chose to end her day in the pool and went to change while he stood there watching her walk away, wanting to kiss and touch every inch of her body.

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