Chapter 53

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The next morning, Rory began packing most of his luggage and putting them by the door. But all morning, he hasn't seen Ryleigh. She obviously slept in.

He knocks on her bedroom door. 'It's Rory.'

'Be out in a sec.' He hears her faint voice.

'I'll be in my room when you find me.' Rory leaves and gets the last few of his stuff packed away.

'I swear you only came in with one bag?' Ryleigh says, standing in the doorway.

'Now I'm leaving with three.' He says.

'My god, I'll probably have eight bags to deal with when I go.'

He laughs for a moment. 'I thought since you have so much to take back with you. Why don't you pack a bag for me, and I'll take it to my place?'

She raises a brow. 'Will it be washed and dried?'

'Hung up like it's all brand new.'

Ryleigh puffs, 'You doing laundry? You've changed too.'

'All for the better.'

She agreed and returned to her room and prepared one for him to take in a black carry-on bag.

'Here you go. Just clothes, no underwear.'

'And there I was getting my hopes up.'

'That's for you to see another day.'

Without hesitating, he got up and shut the bedroom door. These are his final moments with Ryleigh, and he will make them count. He wants to feel her touch one last time.

'Do you remember what we said yesterday?'

'You asked me to move in with you, and I said yes.'

'No after that.'

Ryleigh thinks for a second. 'Being a badass?'

'Yeah, well, I thought about it...I don't think you're still that badass enough.' Rory teases, making Ryleigh's mouth shape like an O.

'Because I didn't put my underwear in the bag?'

'No. I think you were almost at breaking point when you were on top of me.'

'I think you're dead wrong about that!'

'Really?' Rory gets closer, hearing her breathe deeply under his chin. 'I want to be sure that I've made a mistake.'

This was his plan all along. Since yesterday, as she sat on top of him, he was ready to break those walls down and give in to his desire. Now, he's going to be away from her side, and he'll need to do something to let her stew and make her miss him greatly.

He wished he had done it differently. All night and spent most of the morning planning how to get her back to where they had left off the previous evening.

He should not have allowed her to get away with it.

Rory picks her up as her legs go round his waist, and he falls back onto his bed, settling herself back onto him. Ryleigh sits up just like yesterday.

'See? You're dead wrong.'

She was about to get off, but Rory held onto her hips.

'We're not quite done here...' As he speaks, he slides his hands underneath her shirt and rubs his thumbs against the jeans' waistline.

'We're not?'

He shook his head, 'You might have started it, but I'm finishing this.' He bolts upright, lifting her shirt, and kissing her soft stomach while wrapping his hands over her naked back.

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