1. Um... Hi?

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This Minho

This Minho ♡

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This Jisung ♡

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This Jisung


Ok tell me, who sees an abandoned building and decides to roam in? Specially when it's 11:00 pm? Specially when you heard something like a.... gunshot?

Jisung does.

It was around 11:15 in the night when he was heading back from his night shift, when he heard something what sounded like a gunshot and and then a loud thug. He looked in the direction the voice. It's the same building he's been seeing since years now. It was closed mid construction due to some legal issues and seemed like it's not gonna get cleared anytime soon. But it was the first time he heard any voices from there.

He looked around and saw the streets piercingly silent. Was it scary? Yes. But did he just decided to look into the building and follow the sounds that are still coming of someone talking?..... Yeah.

The boy thought if this was stupid or was it dangerous? And came to the conclusion that, who cares.

Who cares if it was dangerous or something that's gonna hurt him. Not like it matters whether he gets home on time or not.

Not like it matters whether he even gets home at all.

He stood there for some seconds, rethinking his decision, when a muffled laughing noise came from inside.

"Fuck it" he mumbled and silently moved towards the building.

It was dusty and muddy, alcohol bottles scattered everywhere, cigarette buds, used condoms, and a shit tone of disposals. The boy scrunched his nose in disgust, but what does he ever expected in a building which is closed from years now.

He roamed around carefully, not having much source of light inside. The only light coming in and showing him the ways was the street lights, other than that, everything was completely dark.

The boy pouted when the voices completely quited down. He wanted to see what was going on but now that there is no sound, how can he get to the place from where the voices were coming at first.

He decided to head back and go home when suddenly...

"Oh Oliver. We are THE Crystals, you think you can fuck with us and get away like that? Cute."

The faded voice came from somewhere close, really close.

The boy decided to follow the voices and smiled wider as the voices grew louder and more clear.

"You see, today's my first day as the whole leader of the gang and doing a meeting without dad. So killing a rat is just another bonus I get." the man laughed a little before continuing "Tell me, where you wanna get shot? Your dick? Balls? Eyeballs? Asshole? These are the only options you have"

The boy stopped in his tracks as his eyes winded at the words. He was froze, not only because of what the man just said, well that was a reason too, but he froze because the voice came hell clear, like the man was standing on his shoulder while speaking.

He turned to his left and saw a closed door. He gulped, because the next words he heard confirmed that he needed to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Oh wait wait, eliminate the eyeballs from the options. It will kill you, that's too easy. Ok, dick, balls or asshole? 1,2,3 times up. I choose dick" And there was another loud gunshot and then a scream for less then a second before it was muffled by, the what he assumed, someone shoving a cloth in the man's mouth.

Jisung shivered in fear. He has always loved to roam around weird places at the most weird times but seems like this was the last one for him.

He gulped dryly and his eyes winded in fear when he heard someone making their way towards the door.

His legs were froze, refused to move even one bit. His eyes glossed up in fear as he saw the door open 'Oh fuck I'm gonna die at 19. That's too young, what the fuck' he thought and prepared himself for his last moments, quietly praying to get an easy death unlike the man who was still screaming in pain.

"Yes boss, every other arrangements are done. Ye-" the door opened revealing a tall and slim man with black hair and seemed like he has done the most disgusting work in that room, judging by his hands which were fully drenched in blood, face and clothes covered in splashes of blood and his clothes having little pieces of flesh. Human flesh.

The boy's eyes winded when the man looked at him and paused.

"Um... Hi?"

Was the only thing that came out of his mouth at that moment.

The man's eyes darkened devilishly as he pulled his gun out and pointed it towards the boy. "N-No no, I-I was just r-roaming around. I-I promise I didn't h-hear anything I-I-" before he could complete whatever he was trying to say, there was a strong hit on the back of his head, what he thought was probably a gun's handle, and everything immediately went dark.

What a great choice he made today.


Look at him. That smile. Oh my heart hurts T-T

 Oh my heart hurts T-T

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Love you babies <3


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