4. Pizza?

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"Dad?" Minho called, opening the big tall gate, having golden, beautiful hand crafted handles.

"Minho? Yes, come in" The older man said glancing up from his laptop. "He can stay outside" he said pointing at Hyunjin who was walking in behind Minho.

"No, he's gonna stay with me. It's alright" Minho informed, settling himself down on the chair in front of his dad.

Mr. Lee shrugged his shoulders at that and closed his laptop, averting all his attention towards his son.

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. Just wanted to know, how you feeling?" the older man asked teasingly, wiggling his eyebrows "To be the Leader of the whole gang? Hm~?" he smiled at his son stupidly.

Oh don't worry, don't be fooled by his sweet and cute behaviour, he is a ruthless man. A kind of ruthless which Minho himself doesn't like.

When Hyunjin was being trained to be the psyco, Mr. Lee was the one he looked up to.

And yes, here, everyone was trained to be what they are today. From their behavior to their thinking. Everything is coded into them. But the intresting part is, they are the ones who chose what they wanted to be coded as.

There is a reason why Felix being an assassin is the most professional one, why Changbin being a normal street goon in is past life is now the one listening and obeying to the smallest orders without thinking or uttering a word, why Seungmin being the only one not going on the fields but providing them directions and on-the-spot strategies from behind of the screen is allowed to run his mouth the most.

And for Hyunjin? Well, the 11 years old boy was a little too fascinated when he playfully snuck into the basement of the mansion and saw how Mr. Lee slowly cut apart one of his enemies, while sweetly smiling at him. The little psyco in that little boy giggled that day.

Minho laughed a little at his dad's behavior and nodded "Yeah, it's good. Feels good. I mean, I'm leading this gang for 5 years now, not as an official leader, but yeah, still, feels different. More powerful, you know"


"But I know that that's not the only reason you called me, is it?"

"Oh no. I called you cuz I forgot to give you this yesterday" Mr. Lee said taking out something from his front drawer and showing it to Minho.

A golden pocket knife. The Leader's Knife. 'Crystal' engraved on it as beautifully. A knife which was passed by Minho's great grandfather to his grandfather, from his grandfather to his father and now to him, as the leader of Crystal.

Minho smiled and took the knife, adoring it with proud eyes. He was proud on himself. "Thanks dad. Will take care of this" he mumbled before keeping the knife in his pocket.

"And about Jeongin-"

"Dad. I have told you hundreds of times before. Jeongin is my responsibility and I trust my little brother-"

"I trusted your uncle too-"

"First of all, he is not my 'uncle'. And secondly, this is the last time I'm telling you this..." his voice dropping scary serious "... Nobody will compare my brothers with your's. Jeongin and Chan hyung are not like those dickheads who tried to kill their older brother for the position of the Leader. My Jeongin is not like that. Got it?" the man said, eyes glaring dead into his father's.

Hyunjin bit back a smile. He just loves the fact that he is the one who sees this side of Minho for Jeongin and Chan.

Mr. Lee smiled lovingly "Yes. I'm sorry. Yeah?" Minho sighed and returned the smile.

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