23. Close Your Eyes

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Jisung was not happy. Well, happy was not the word, he was sad, he was scared, he was uncomfortable, every unpleasant emotion he was feeling right now. He has never stepped a foot out of his house ever on his birthdays, because the last time he did, it became the last day when he laughed or smiled or even felt happy.

Till he decided to roam in an abandoned building one night.

He knew situations were different now. He knew he was genuinely happy now. He knew he had people who truly and genuinely care for him now. He knew he have someone who loves him now.

He knew Minho loves him.

But still, it was a fear he have lived with for past 7 years, it was not going anywhere in the matter of some days.

Felix hated that he had to use such cheap trick to make Jisung come to college today. He hated that he made him cry on his birthday morning. The boy already hated his birthday and the first thing he did was, cry.

' "Please Felix, I-I don't wanna go today"

"Are you seriously gonna stay this weak your entire life!?"

"I-I'm not weak, I'm just s-scared-"

"Yeah? Well you seem fucking weak to me right now!?"

"N-No, I'm not-"

"Minho hyung will be so disappointed in you..."

And that was his breaking point. The last thing he wants was Minho to be disappointed in him, look at him with that look in his eyes.

"D-Don't say that, p-please-"

"Well it's not a lie, Jisung. You know Minho hyung hates weaknesses and look at you, you are crying over going out of your house right now?"

"I d-don't want to disappoint h-hyung..."

So he sat quietly in the class. Head low and hands curled up into tight fists, as he tried to ground himself and not burst into tears, trying his best to keep his breathing controlled as his heartbeat paced every now and then.

Felix hated himself for every word that left his mouth this morning, but there was just no other way.

"You are his 'going-to-be brother in law'?" the vise principal asked in an unsure tone, raising an eyebrow at the man sitting in front of him.

"Yes" Chan simply replied with a confident smile.

If Minho will get to know what Chan addressed himself as, he will be dead. And that made him chuckle, because Minho will never know.

"And you want his half day leave for a family emergency?"

"Yes" Chan said with a small nod.

"Ok" the vise principal said and handed Chan the leave slip after signing it.

"Thank you sir. Thank you so much" Chan smiled and bowed a little after getting up.

Minho knew, none of his men can do what Chan can. The manners, atticates and calmness. He will not go like 'WHAT THE FUCK MAN. JUST GIVE ME THE LEAVE SLIP!'. No. Chan knows how these things work.

"Han Jisung?"

Jisung was bought out of his thoughts when the teacher called his name in the middle of the class. He looked up and saw the familiar man standing on the gate of the class, smiling softly at him.

"Pack your stuff please"

He didn't questioned anything, he didn't wanted to. He quietly packed his back and got up.

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