52. Mr. Undercover Killer

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"Where is Boss?" Jisung asked as he walked in the Mansion.

"I don't know..." Seungmin replied simply, not even looking at the younger and head towards his office.

Jisung stood there and saw the older disappear behind the door.

Seungmin has distanced himself from everyone and everything. He won't talk too much, spend any time with any one, won't eat together, doesn't even sleep at the Mansion anymore. He would go to his home, like Jisung, and would come back every morning like he was some regular employee.

The only times he would shift from this strict routine, was when Hyunjin needs him. When Hyunjin feels weak, he is always there, doesn't matter how he was feeling, he would be there to wipe his tears away, hug him, and make him fall asleep.

Hyunjin was his and Minho's baby, and when Minho was not there anymore, Seungmin was all Hyunjin has got. So Seungmin never cared to cry or even show a single tear to anyone.

Jisung too was not himself anymore, so he got no right to complain, but he still misses how Seungmin kept him like his baby brother. How he used to pamper and baby him. Now, he doesn't even look straight at him.

Jisung believes that Seungmin also blames him. Blames him for the loss of his best friend.

But only if he knew, how much Seungmin have cried, saying uncountable sorries into his pillow to Jeongin, Hyunjin and everyone, giving himself all the blames. How many times he have apologised to Jisung in his heart, whenever he saw the boy crying and breaking down.

"Sir was calling you..." Jisung turned around and saw Changbin standing behind him.

"Hyung..." he mumbled.

Changbin smiled. A tiny sad smile.

"Want hugs?" he asked in a soft comforting voice.

Jisung stood there, eyes going soft and body limp slowly, as he blinked at the older, not uttering anything.

Changbin smiled and stepped forward, taking the boy in his arms.

Jisung sighed shakily, trying his best to control his tears, when Changbin started to rub his back gently.

Changbin has became his safe place. He never knew Changbin will hold him like this. Yes, he knew the older was caring and have always took care of him, but this?

He have seen the older crying in the training room so many times now that he too questioned himself that how much did the older actually loved Minho, in such a short period since he joined the gang?

And it was not only Jisung, Changbin himself didn't knew he was this attached to his boss. He didn't knew he would have such a breakdown. He thought he respected Minho and that was it. But no, he actully cared for and was attached to Minho emotionally.

Minho was his support system.

"Go, talk to Felix" the older said in a soft voice, while hugging the younger, stroking his back "You are his only friend, where will he go if you will do like this, hm?"

He smiled when he felt Jisung hiding his face into his nape, probably trying to hide his tears.

"Sir?" Jisung called through the open door of the room.

Instead of answering, Mr. Lee walked towards the door and stood in front of the boy, having a little smile.

"You called me?" Jisung asked, pulling his hands behind his back.

"Yes.." Mr. Lee said "I, uh.. Your room, it's clean. I even asked the maids to change the sheets and the curtains as well..." he spoke with a nervous smile

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