35. His Little Dumbass

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"Btich lower your voice!" Felix whisper-yelled, ducking his head a little more behind the book.

"What the actual fuck!?" Jisung whispered, ducking his own head down.

"Yes!" Felix said and flickered his hair with an attitude.

"Jeongin hyung kissed you!?" Jisung whispered with the same level of shock, hiding more behind his book.

"Yes! And that too while grabbing my jaw!" Felix replied with wide eyes, throwing his hands everywhere in tiny.

Jisung's eyes winded comically as he clapped his hand over his mouth "What!?"

"Yes! He fucking grabbed my jaw and pinned me to the wall-"

"Lee Felix! Han Jisung!"

Both the boy's eyes winded when they heard a female voice yelling their names. They both sighed, not even wanting to argue, and lifted their heads from behind of the books.

"This was your 5th warning today! Out! Now!" she yelled, pointing towards the door of the class.

Jisung bowed down apologetically "Sorry, Ma'am". While Felix just rolled his eyes and lifted his bag over his shoulder, already walking towards the door.

The teacher threw a sharp glare at both the boys for the last time before they were out of the class.

They both walked quietly through the corridor for like 10 steps when...

"Yes, so. He fucking pinned me to the wall....."

Let's say, the gossips went spicy hot for the rest of the day.

"Boss said he is busy. He will not meet anyone today" the guard informed and stood back straight in front of Minho's study.

"So when's he gonna get free? I have important papers to sign" Seungmin asked.

"No one knows" a voice came from behind.

Seungmin turned around and saw Changbin sitting on the couch with his own file in his hand.

Seungmin chuckled "How long have you been sitting here, hyung?" he asked.

"3 hours?" the older said with an exhausted sigh, throwing his head back, groaning.

Seungmin laughed, walking to the man and sitting beside him "Looks like he is really busy today"


A tiny voice caught both of the men's attention.

They both turned their heads towards the voice and saw Jisung standing in front of Minho's study, holding a paper in his hand, looking like a sad kitten.

"What happened Sung?" Seungmin asked with a sweet smile.

Jisung pouted a little "I got my test results today, I wanted to show it to hyung, but you said he is busy-"

"You can go in, sir" the guard interrupted the boy and stepped aside from the door.

Jisung frowned in confusion "But you said, hyung said he will not meet anyone today?" he asked the guard, tilting his head slightly.

Seungmin chuckled again, catching the boy's attention "You have no idea what power you hold in this Mansion, Jisung"

Jisung blinked at the man dumbly before turing his head back to the room when he heard the guard open the door.

Oh he felt so special.

He looked down as little blush appeared on his cheeks. "Thank you" he said and bowed to the guard before finally stepping in the room nervously.

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