40. I Love You Baby

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Jisung frowned deeply with a pout as he blinked slowly, looking around.

Yes it was normal for him to wake up in an empty bed and he understands it too, because he knows Minho is a busy person, so he never went on complaining about the cuddles he wanted in the mornings.

Well he never complained because, who was he to complain and whine about anything to Minho? Minho was simply taking care of him back then. But now? Now Minho was his. Now he have every right to be whinny, bratty and stubborn with him. He have every right to demand him. He have every right to complain, and so he will do.

So he curled up, burring his face in the soft blankets for the last time before stretching his legs and arms, tightly closing his eyes. He slowly got out of the bed, stood up, stretching yet again.

He blinked, yawning and looked towards the mirror and oh the way he blushed.

He was wearing Minho's t-shirt that he wore on the plane on their way back to home from Hawaii.

He looked down, holding the corner of the t-shirt in his fist tightly as he blushed at the memories of the pervious night.

' "Baby you need to change before sleep" Minho said as Jisung crawled on the bed, curling up with a tired smile, closing his eyes immediately.

"I don't want to, I'm so tired" he mumbled quietly, already falling asleep.

Minho smiled and shook his head before walking up to the bed, leaning down and grabbing the boy by his waist, lifting him, making him sit up.

"I said, get changed" Minho said, inches away from the boy's face.

Jisung stared at the older with wide eyes and red cheeks "O-Ok" he stuttered looking down.

Minho chuckled. It was so easy to make Jisung a flattering mess.

"Can I do it?" he asked with a sweet smile, watching Jisung's ears go red.

"D-Do what" he asked, still looking down.

"Get you changed?" Minho asked, leaning closer, stealing a quick kiss.

Jisung's mind went crazy when he suddenly felt Minho's lips on his. Even thought they have been very obvious about their feeling for each other from the very beginning, even though they have cuddled to sleeps, even though they have now confessed to each other, even though they have kissed already, it's still hard to swallow for Jisung that Minho was his. He can hold, hug, kiss Minho whenever he wants. Minho's kisses were for him and him only.

Minho was his? Minho was his.

The boy looked down, face bright red as he nodded ever so slightly.

Minho smiled, reaching for the first button of the boy's beach shirt and tucked it open. He chuckled seeing how shy the younger was.

Slowly, Minho opened all of the buttons and pushed the shirt off. He got up and turned around to walk to the closet when he felt a tug of his t-shirt. He looked down and saw Jisung holding the corner of his t-shirt into his fist, still not looking up.

Minho smiled and turned back towards the younger "What happened, sweetheart?"

Jisung blushed and looked away. Now that they were officially into a relationship, as cheezy as it sounds, it makes Jisung so much more shy in front of Minho than he was before.

"Can I wear y-your t-shirt?" he asked in a quiet voice.

Minho smiled gently "Of course baby. Tell me which one you want? I'll give you whichever you wan-"

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