7. Little Fists

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Jeongin took a deep breath and entered Felix and Chan's shared room, finding Chan already asleep and Felix sitting up in his bed, innocently waiting for any one of them to come.

Felix looked in Jeongin's direction and smiled.

'God, how the fuck he suddenly looks so innocent and small' he thought to himself as he approached the younger quietly.

"Hey" Jeongin smiled and stood in front of him. He kept his one hand on Felix's head and softly ruffled his hair.

Doesn't matter how dangerous Felix was, he was still the youngest among them. He was just 19. He was still small for them. And they never miss any chance to make him feel that. Make him feel loved.

Felix looked up and smiled purely.

And let's not count the uncountable clicks striking in the hearts right now.

Jeongin leaned down and left a small kiss on the boy's forehead. "Good Night Lixie" he mumbled softly and smiled at the boy, still softly creasing his hair.

"Night Hyung" he whispered back and kept looking at the older with big doe eyes.

Since the day they first met Felix and he cried about how his mother used to kiss him every night, there was not even a single night in these past 7 years, when Felix have slept without a sweet good night kiss.

And Felix can swore, he never felt this feeling, this love in any of his mother's kisses. They truly made him feel what real love and care feels like.

Everynight, any one of them would come and kiss him good night. And he loves it. Specially when, out of the blue moon, Minho would come.

It's rare for Minho to come and kiss him, but when it happens, it's his favorite night. Minho's kisses were the most gentle and comforting ones. Or maybe, Felix just feels safe and protected around Minho. And he have every reason to feel that.

'God, you've grown so much' he would always say that. And Felix loves each second of that.

But Jeongin's kisses?

They felt different. A little too different.

Felix looked up at the older as they stared in each other's eyes for a long minute, having a gap of just an inch or two in between them.

Jeongin comes pretty less to Felix as compared to other members. Why?

Because this happens... everytime...

Suddenly, Jeongin's eyes flickered at Felix's lips. His soft and beautiful lips.

But Felix didn't budge. He never does.

Felix kept looking up at the older's eyes, watching him stare at his lips and gulp quietly.

Everything was so obvious, because once Jeongin's eyes falls on his lips, he never lifts his gaze up again. He just kept staring at them shamelessly. Knowing that the younger is looking at him, well aware of what is happening.

Jeongin's ears heated up when Felix's lips parted away a little. He gulped dryly and kept staring, blinking dumbly.


Felix breathed out and how crazy Jeongin's mind went when Felix's soft warm breath touched his lips.

Felix leaned up a little towards the older's lips. He always does. Everytime.

The moment Jeongin felt him leaning close, he panicked, blinking rapidly, he looked away, everywhere but Felix.

"I-I should g-go and sleep n-now. Yeah? Sleep w-well" he mumbled, quickly ruffling the younger's hair and marched out of the room, closing the gate behind him.

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