49. Yes Boss

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Jeongin glanced at the door, hearing this shouting and screaming for past 2 hours now.


Jeongin blinked at the door with dead eyes and turned back towards the doctor.

The doctor hung his head low as he trembled in fear and feeling of loss.

Jeongin kept looking at the man with bored expressions, waiting for him to continue.

"W-We are s-sorry, sir. We t-tried our best. Everything that w-we could, but... w-we couldn't.... We're sorry..."

Jeongin kept staring at the man for some seconds, trying to take in and accept what he was saying.

He moved his eyes to the bed behind the doctor, eyes immediately getting blurry with unwanted tears.

"Are..." he breathed out, kept staring at the bed "... Are you sure...?"

The doctor dropped his head even lower "Yes sir we-"

The doctor suddenly paused as his eyes winded upon seeing somthing.

The golden knife in Jeongin's hand.

"Shit! S-Sorry... I-I mean..." he bowed down immediately "I-I didn't knew. I-I... We didn't knew... P-Please forgive me, p-please... "

Jeongin followed the man's eyes and looked down at his own hand, which still was holding that Golden pocket knife and that small Candy.

He didn't replied. Just turned around and went out of the 'Emergency Room'.

"JEONGIN HYUNG!" the moment he stepped his first foot out, Jisung immediately shouted and snatched himself out of Changbin's hold, running towards the man, clutching at his arm immediately. Still in the same dirty hospital gown he's been wearing for past 10 days, which now had fresh blood stains on it.

Minho's blood.

"Hyung!" he cried.

Just like he has been crying since 2 hours. Since he slowly got out of the effect of the drug.

He looked up at the older, clutching at his arm, as tears flowed uncontrollably. Oh he looked so miserable.

"Hyung! They w-won't let me meet M-Minho hyung!" he cried loudly "P-Please let me meet h-him! Please hyung!" he cried even more.

Jeongin didn't respond, nor even moved. He just slowly looked down and blinked with a completely expressionless face, looking straight into the boy's eyes.

"H-Hyung? H-He is ok, right?" Jisung cried even more "He told me t-that he g-got shot in his s-stomach once... S-So he will be f-fine this time too? R-Right! He is v-very strong, right!?" he cried, as if he was giving himself some hopes.

Some false hopes.

Jeongin still didn't respond. He just kept looking at Jisung, like he was searching for something in his eyes.

"Hyung please! I want to m-meet hyung! I want to s-see that he is alrigh-"

"There is no use of meeting him now... It's all done... " Jeongin coldly spoke, staring straight into the boy's eyes and seeing how they widened slowly.


"Everything is done... Get over it as fast as you can" his voice, his eyes, his energy, everything was so emotionless. Like, Minho was nobody to him. Like his heart was not even bothered.

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