51. Because Of Me

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Trigger Warning

• Blood and Gore
• Graphic Violence (pretty detailed)


Sometimes, life can get weird. It can give you most unexpected turns. Can make you feel so full of emotions at one moment, and then suddenly can leave you empty. Completely empty.

Jisung's life was weird too.

When he was small, he thought his life was normal, just like any other child. A happy normal life. He never complained about not having a toy, or not getting candies, or not having a birthday cake on his birthdays. He was happy having his little family...

The family that left him. Left him empty.

And when, after years of emotional breakdowns, he finally accepted that this was his life. That this is how his life was written. Written to be lived alone...

His life gave him a sweet little human. A human, a man who became his world. The man who reminded him how he used to smile and laugh. The man who made him feel happy. Happy and so full of emotions. The man who made his eyes sparkle, kept his heart at ease. The man who he loved.

And when he started seeing a forever. A forever of holding that hand. A forever of kissing those lips. A forever of those sleepy cuddles. A forever of those sweet giggles...

His life snatched that man away from him. Snatched his happiness away from him. Snatched his smiles, his giggles, his spark from him.

Left him empty. All over again.

"We are so proud of you..." Hyunjin said with in a small voice, smiling lightly at the younger.

Jisung smiled back at him. A smile which was used to be so bright and happy, was now just so dull. Lost all it's spark. Has became so gray.

He turned around, looking outside of the window as their driver drove them to the Mansion.

The moment the car stopped in front of the gate of the Mansion, Jisung stepped out of the car and went in, leaving Hyunjin behind.

Hyunjin looked at the younger walking in and sighed.

Everything was ruined.

They were all so happy. Everything has ruined. All the laughs have quieted down. Nothing feels like home anymore. Everything was so cold.

Jisung entered the Mansion and without meeting anyone, he straight up walked towards Mr. Lee's study.

"Sir?" he knocked on the door and waited.

"Come in" a voice came from the inside.

A voice which once has so much power in it. A voice which was so faded and disheartened now.

Jisung quietly opened the door and went in. He saw Mr. Lee sitting in his chair, back facing him, looking out of the windows of the back wall of his table.

Jisung stood in front of the table and bowed down.

"I killed him" he spoke "I killed him just like hyung wanted. A bullet in his head" he paused for a second before speaking again "And I will wipe the name of 'Snakes' completely from every country they have their teams in, just like hyung wanted" he mumbled the last sentence and bowed down again.

Mr. Lee didn't replied. And Jisung didn't waited for one. He quietly walked out of the room, closing the door behind him with a click.

Mr. Lee sat there in silence, blinking his tears away, looking at the beautiful garden outside of the window.

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