6. Hyung

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Oh how much strength he had to put in to open the door and meet that boy's eyes. But he did.

Minho took a deep breath and opened the basement door and the moment his eyes laid on the boy in front of him, the click was no where sweet, it was painful this time.

Jisung was laying in the corner, still naked, curled up into himself and was crying and whimpering in pain quietly. Covered in blood and bruises under his eyes, cheekbone, lips. Cuts all over his hands, chest and abdomen and light scratches on his thighs, probably because of being dragged around on the floor.

Minho sighed and walked to the boy, turning on the light in the process.

Jisung looked up the moment the light filled the room and saw Minho approaching him. A broken sob left his mouth as more tears fell.

The boy weakly sat up and looked up at Minho "L-Listen, I-I'm from some g-gang. Please k-kill me. Ok? P-Please?" he cried out pitifully, crossing his fingers together in front of Minho.

The older crouched down and analysed all the cuts and bruises carefully.

"P-Please can y-you kill m-me?" he asked, a little too serious this time.

"I'm sorry" Minho mumbled quietly, still analysing the younger's body "Should've done a full check on you before handing you to Felix"

Jisung cries suddenly stopped. He looked at the older with big, teary eyes. "S-Sorry?"

"Hm. I'm sorry"

Minho finally raised his eyes and looked into the younger's weak ones. They stared at each other for a time more than necessary.

The younger blinked dumbly at the other. Why was he feeling safe around this man when the reason behind his this condition is him only? He didn't knew why.

Minho raised his one hand slowly and placed it on the younger's cheek softly and felt him flinch away.

He tried again and finally placed his palm on his cheek firmly, creasing his soft, bruised cheek with his thumb, wiping his little tears in the process.

"Everything's gonna heal" he whispered to the boy, creasing his cheek gently.

Minho looked in the boy's eyes again and moved his hand down, towards his chest.

They kept staring at each other as Minho slowly moved his hand towards his heart and tapped there lightly.

"Every bruise gonna heal" he tapped at the boy's heart again "Every pain's gonna go away. Hm"

Jisung's eyes glossed up immediately as his lower lip quivered and a broken sob left his lips.

"It's ok. They never cared for you. All of the happy moments were nothing but just them acting. They didn't loved you, Kiddo" Minho whispered, still keeping his eyes on the crying boy.

Jisung cried even loudly upon hearing those things.

He have heard all of that his whole life. 'You parents never loved you', 'They never cared for you'. They always blamed him. Always said it like he was the one because of which his own parents left him. But not this.

Minho's words felt like he was assuring him that he was not at fault. That if his parents didn't cared for him, it's not him to be blamed for that.

Minho lifted his hand from his cheek and creased his fingers in the boy's hair softly "Felix's parents sold him to my dad-"

Jisung's eyes winded. That Felix who just beat him for half an hour? That Felix? And his parents.... sold him?

Minho smiled and wiped the blood off the boy's chin from the sleeve of his hoodie. "-He also thought that his parents loved him because they laughed with him and acted normal. He also blamed himself. Until he realised what actual love feels like"

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