57. Yours Forever

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"Why are you crying?" the little boy asked the girl who was sitting on the ground, holding an empty glass jar in her tiny hands and sobbing with big fat tears rolling down her eyes.

The little girl turned around and sniffled looking up at the boy "T-Teacher gave me t-two fishes from the s-school's pond c-cuz I made the best c-clay art, but t-they threw my f-fishes into the d-ditch!" she cried loudly, pointing at the two little boys laughing and joking with each other while waiting for their parents, outside of the kindergarten.

The little boy stood there, blinking at her "Don't cry. I will give you more fishes" he said patting her head with his tiny hands.

"Bye mumma!" the girl shouted waving at her mother and turning around skipping in the school, when suddenly the same two boys who threw her fishes, blocked her way.

She stopped in her tracks, blinking nervously at them. But before she could say anything, they spoke.

"W-We are sorry!" one of the boys mumbled and suddenly they both ran away, like they were afraid of someone.

The little girl stood there, blinking at them when...

"They will never trouble you again"

A voice came from her behind, so she turned around, and saw the same boy from yesterday, standing, smiling at her.

And then she noticed a big man, wearing black suit, looking scary, standing behind the little boy.

She looked up at the man and then down at the boy and then up again. She was confused until she noticed something.

The scary man was holding a bigger glass jar in his hands. The glass jar having 5 pretty orange Gold fishes.

Oh how bright that little girl smiled that day, and how that little boy blushed seeing her smiling and looking at those fishes with those big shiny eyes.


"H-Hey..." the boy called the girl sitting on her desk, reading the poem they got for homework to remember.

The girl tuned around and smile "Hi!" she chirped, looking at her best friend.

The boy blinked rapidly, blushing like crazy "Uh.. I-I..." he mumbled before suddenly pulling his hand from his back and extending it in front of the girl "This is for you!" he said without even looking at her and immediately ran away.

The girl stood there with a little, poorly picked, pink flower in her small hand, blinking at the boy running away.

She looked down at the flower and smiled "Thank you" she said pressing the little flower to her chest, blushing softly.


"I swear to god you are going to fail in the test and going to stay in 8th standard forever" the girl scolded the boy who was laying on her bed on his back like a starfish, hanging his head down from the edge of the bed, playing with her hair, while she sat on the floor, beside him, leaning her back to the bed, preparing for their text next week.

"Who cares, not like I have to grow up and become a successful man or something. I'm gonna be part of my dad's gang anyways" he mumbled shrugging his shoulders, and twirling the girl's hair in his fingers "So you study, and I will stare at your pretty face" he smiled cheekily.

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