39. Home

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Seungmin shook his head with a sigh when Hyunjin ran out of the Mansion, shouting, already dressed like he was in Hawaii, having that big ass sun hat and goggles.

"Felix! Jisung! Come on, we are gonna get late!" Chan called the two youngest who came out dragging their suitcases out of Felix's room.

"What the fuck?" Seungmin made a disgusting face, seeing both the boys in the exact same holiday outfit as Hyunjin "And why are you two having two fucking suitcases!? We are literally going just for a day?" he asked in disbelief.

Both the boys just stood their dumbly and pouted.

Seungmin groaned pinching the bridge of his nose "He is such a bad influence" he mumbled referring to Hyunjin "Why the fuck I can't just shoot him dead?"

"Cuz you all love him" Jeongin said with a smile, coming out of his own room. To which everyone in the hall nodded in agreement. Including Seungmin as well as Jisung, Felix, Chan and Jeongin himself, even all the guards standing there.

Before anyone cloud say anything...

"COME ON!! HAWAII!!" Hyunjin shouted again, peeking his head from outside of the main door and immediately sprinting away again.

Seungmin groaned loudly and face palmed while the others just laughed and chuckled.

They all love Hyunjin. Each and every person of this gang. He was their little goofball of the house, how can they not?

"Enjoy your day" They all heard a voice say, making them all look in the direction, seeing Mr. Lee, coming out from his study, with Minho walking behind him.

Minho smiled "Call me if you need anything here, dad" he said.

Mr. Lee just nodded.

"Hyung!" Jisung chirped with a pretty smile, running towards the man.

Minho smiled when Jisung bowed down to Mr. Lee and stood in front of him, smiling cutely "Look! Hyunjin hyung gave me and Felix this outfit!" he informed and almost bounced.

Never in his life he have gone on a vacation, seen a beach, sat in the plane, let alone a luxurious private plane, they are going in today. He was damn excited.

Minho smiled "You all three look like stupid cartoons" he said chuckling, but before the boy could complain or pout, Minho leaned down, suddenly placing a quick kiss on the boy's lips, making his eyes go wide.

Jisung's face turned red as his eyes winded and he looked down.

Everyone was there, looking at them, even Mr. Lee. Oh but does Minho care? Not even a single bit.

Minho chuckled looking at his reaction and Mr. Lee and everybody else just smiled, shaking their heads.

"Oh you have a lot to spill, I see?" Felix suddenly spoke, narrowing his eyes towards the boy.

Oh right! Jisung didn't got any chance to tell Felix about the confession and the kiss that happened last night. Shit.

Jisung's eyes winded as he turned around giving the boy an awkward, apologetic smile.

"Don't fucking give me that face, bitch!" Felix said and Jisung ran, right out of the door "WHAT THE FUCK! COME HERE!" and he ran right behind him, making everyone laugh.

"Yah! What has happened to this house huh!?" Mr. Lee shouted in a fake angry tone between his laughs.

True. Things have changed. A lot of things have changed.

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