54. Embarrassed

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He stood in front of the closed door, fumbling with the sides of his hoodie, bitting his lips nervously, looking down, debating if he should knock or not.

And when he finally decided that he do not have enough the courage in him to do that, he felt a hand being placed on his head. He turned around and blinked at the man with big eyes.

Chan smiled at the younger "Go in. Talk to him"

The boy's eyes glossed up a little but he nodded turning back to the door.

Chan smiled ruffling the boy's hair and walked away.

The boy raised his hand up, took a deep breath, and knocked ever so lightly.

His heart felt nervous when he heard the footsteps coming closer to the door. He looked down hiding his tiny tears and closed his fists tightly.

The door opened revealing a man wearing a loose gray t-shirt and black lowers, having a white towel around his neck, drying his wet hair with it.

The moment the man's eyes fell of the boy, his eyes softened "Felix?" he called in a soft voice.

Felix bit his lips, not daring to look up. He felt guilty, he felt so bad for not being there for the older in his hardest times, and specially when he was always there for him. Doesn't matter what, Jeongin was always there.

"H-Hyung I-I..." he fumbled with the sleeves of his hoodie, tears threatening to roll down at any moment now.

Jeongin frowned "Baby what happened?" he asked taking a step forward, concern lacing his tongue.

Felix squeezed his eyes shut "Hyung I-I'm sorry..." he mumbled and sniffled "I'm so s-sorry I-I-"

His little apology was cut off when he suddenly felt his face being buried in a warm chest and two arms being wrapped around him, holding him so tight "I love you! I-I love you so much!" Jeongin whispered, burring his face in the younger's hair, letting out a tiny sob.

Felix immediately cried in the man's chest, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist, nuzzling in more "I-I love you! I'm s-sorry, hyung! I'm s-so so sorry!"

Felix will always regret not being there for Jeongin for these 2 years, but he has his whole life to be with him, to stay by his side, to wipe his tears, to make him fall asleep on his lap. He has all his life with Jeongin. He has all his life to love Jeongin. His love. And he will make sure to stay strong and love him right this time.

"I'm telling you, I can do it myself!"

"And I'm telling you that you are not doing it. Just sit there and don't move!"

"Jisung my hands are ok. I can do it mysel-" before he could finish, the younger grabbed his t-shirt and immediately pulled it off of his head, taking it off.

"I said, sit there and don't move!" the younger ordered, glaring at the man sitting on the bed, leaning to the headboard.

Well, don't get the situation wrong, Jisung is just trying to clean Minho up like he has been doing every week for the past 2 years.

Everybody still remembers the rage Jisung showed the day he went to the older in the hospital and saw two nurses trying to take his cloths off.


Oh he was on the verge of killing them. But when doctors explained to him that Minho will need a regular cleaning, Jisung immediately warned each and every person there to even touch Minho in any other way than treating him medically, and he and only he will be the one to clean Minho up.

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