45. Rats Are Bad!

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Trigger Warning

• Blood and Gore
• Graphic Violence (pretty detailed)
• Will get a little psychotic


"Boss?" Hyunjin called knocking on the door of Minho's study.

"Come in" a voice came from inside of the room and Hyunjin will not lie that the voice sounded terrifyingly happy and bubbly.

He slowly pushed the door open and peeked his head in, seeing Minho looking at his computer screen and.... smiling?

"Boss?" Hyunjin called again as he stepped in, followed by another man.

It has been 2 hours since Minho was locked in his study, and this stressed the situation even more, because Jisung was not just a normal boy, he was the Red Rose of the gang and everyone was getting anxious of Minho not doing anything about him getting kidnapped.

Many department's men and women in the gang have taken the oath in front of Jisung when he was unconscious, and all of them really had a soft spot for the boy. And if Minho doesn't care of him being Louis's son, then none of them either.

Jisung was their family. And they keep their family safe, no matter what.

Minho finally looked up from his screen with a plastered smile on his face. And Hyunjin knew it was not a good sign.

"Oh, you two are here?" he chirped happily.

"B-Boss you asked for me?" the other man asked, lowering his head.

Minho smiled "Oh yes yes. Come here, Andrew"

The man looked at Hyunjin in nervousness and then at Minho again, before walking upto his desk.

He stood there, looking down at Minho as Minho kept smiling at him.

"B-Boss, is there something I-I can help you with?" Andrew asked in a nervous voice.

"Oh of course. That is why you are here" Minho informed with a smile.

"What is i-"

Before the man could complete, Minho turned his screen towards the man "You know him?" he asked, cutely titling his head.

The moment Andrew and Hyunjin glanced down at the screen, oh how their eyes winded and mouth opened in shock.

Andrew's eyes immediately got filled with fear as he clapped his hand over his mouth and took a step back in shock.

"You know him?" Minho repeated himself with the same sweet tone, which started sounding more terrifying with every passing second.

Andrew looked up at the man with wide eyes filled with fear, and again at the screen.

The screen showed a man, wearing a white lab coat, running out from the back door of the Mansion, holding someone in his hands.


But this footage was not of the security cameras which are there in the Mansion. Of course it was not. They are the hidden cameras, whose existence where known only and only by Minho. Not Jeongin or even Mr. Lee. Hidden cameras, covering every possible blind spot of the whole Mansion.

"B-Boss..." Andrew was out of words, his mind getting filled with horror.

"He is from one of the doctors? Right? Came from America to join the gang? Almost 10 years ago? Yeah?" Minho asked sweetly "What's his name, darling?"

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