36. Happy Birthday, Hyung

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"Jisung! Come on! We are gonna get late! It's already 6!"

Minho called, walking down the stairs, wearing his watch in the process.

It was 6 in the evening and from the whole day Jisung was either out with Felix or would be in the kitchen. Minho wanted to take him out for shopping for his cloths for the party but looks like it's not going to happen today.

"Jisung where are you?" he called a little louder, reaching down.

"Sir is in the kitchen, Boss" a guard informed.

Minho walked to the kitchen but the moment he was about to enter, he was stopped by a guard. The same guard who called Jisung a slut the first day he came here.

Excuse me what?

Minho raised his eyebrows at the man in disbelief. Did 'his' own guard just stopped 'him' from stepping into 'his' kitchen? Oh someone's getting shot dead today.

"Did you woke up with a fucking desire of getting killed today?" Minho asked in a clam voice, and oh, the man was about to piss his pants.

"B-Boss, I'm sorry. S-Sir threatened me that he will c-complain to you about me if I don't l-listen to him" the stuttered, sounding like he was about to cry "B-Boss I'm sorry-"

But before Minho could even speak...

"Hyung stop bothering him!" Jisung yelled from inside of the kitchen "I told him to stop you!"

Minho sighed, shaking his head "Jisung, we need to go shopping?"

Suddenly, Jisung popped out his head from behind of the guard and passed Minho a toothy smile "Go by yourself. I'm not coming" he chirped.

Minho frowned "But we need to buy cloths for you? How can I go alone?"

"So buy anything you like. Now go away" he basically ordered the older and went back into the kitchen, giggling. "Oh! And come back by 10!" he shouted.

Minho chuckled with a sigh, shaking his head as he walked towards the main door of the Mansion.

The moment Minho was out of the gate, the guard finally relieved the breath he was holding. Oh Jisung was taking full revenge of that day.

Maybe he is not as innocent after all.

"Yes, the theme will be Red and Black roses" Jeongin informed the head of Event-Management team, as they climbed down the stairs "And make sure the cake is of that theme too. And don't forget to reinform Dad's old friends, this is Boss's 25th birthday, so it has to be grand. Ok?"

"Yes sir" the man replied, noting everything down.

"Felix!" Jeongin called as he reached outside the kitchen.

The boy peeked his head out from the kitchen wall. He smiled seeing Jeongin and hopped happily to the man and stood in front of him, smiling cutely.

"Yes hyung?" he asked looking up at the older.

Jeongin smiled "I'm going to the party venue for preparations, call me if you need anything. Hm?" he said and ruffled the boy's hair.

Felix nodded and pouted his lips, asking for a kiss.

Jeongin smiled and leaned forward placing a sweet kiss on the boy's pout, making him giggle and blush.

Jeongin chuckled "Bye baby" he said and walked past the boy towards the door.

"Bye hyung" Felix replied with a smile, waving at the man, when suddnly, Jeongin stopped and turned back around, walking towards him yet again.

Felix frowned and tilted his head, thinking that the older might have forgotten something.

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