56. Two?

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Ok so, if anyone here is below 18 or is not comfortable with intimate stuff (smut), you can
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"He didn't called you?" the man asked walking through the footpath towards their house.

"Nah. He didn't went to the Mansion too. Dad also called me to ask if he was with us" Chan replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Hm, but he said he will be back in a month?" Minho asked in confusion, finally reaching the house and pulling out his keys.

He put the keys in the key hole twisting it, only to know that the door was already open. He frowned and opened the door.

The moment he pushed the door open, there was a hand that grabbed his wrist, pulling him in the house.

"What the-" he stumbled in the house and was about to pull his gun out when he saw the person who pulled him in.

"Hi Hyung!" Jisung chirped with a toothy smile before leaving Minho's hand and peeking his face out from the door, seeing Chan standing there with wide eyes.

"My time!" was all Jisung said before showing him a big smile and slamming the door on Chan's face.

Chan stood there shocked for some seconds and scoffing "The disrespect" he mumbled shaking his head and turning around to go to the Mansion.

While inside...

Jisung held Minho's face tightly in his hands as he held the man against the wall, kissing him slow and deep "I missed you" he whispered in between the kiss.

Minho was in shock for some seconds, before he composed himself and smiled in the kiss, relaxing his body and holding the younger's waist, tilting his head, kissing him slowly "I missed you too"

After some seconds, when it became hard to breath, they both pulled away, breathing heavily, their eyes closed, foreheads resting on each other's.

"Come here" Minho whispered in an almost silent voice and before Jisung even got the time to look up, Minho crouched down a little, grabbed the boy by his hips and lifted him up.

Jisung immediately wrapped his legs around the man's torsos and hugged him like a koala, smiling and giggling in his nape.

Minho carried the boy to the big couch in the middle of the living room and sat down, having the younger on his lap.

Before Jisung could say anything, Minho spoke...

"Baby" he called, leaning back on the couch, hands resting on the boy's hips softly.

Jisung smiled at the man and hummed, hands loosely resting on his shoulders.

"I bought a gift for you" he said with a big smile "A dress" he completed.

"What!" Jisung immediately jumped out of the man's lap, standing in front of him, excitement pumping up in him "WHERE? TELL ME!?" he asked getting even more excited and impatient.

Minho chuckled. It has always been so easy to make Jisung smile and happy. He still remembers the time when he asked the younger to go out with him and he got so happy and jumpy within a second.

' "Out? Like.... Like a date?" '

"It's in our room. I'm dying to see you in it" Minho said, himself getting very excited about seeing Jisung in what he bought for him.

"OK!" Jisung jumped and immediately ran upwards to their room.

Just like their previous house, Minho's room was on the 1st floor. But the only difference was, that room was not only Minho's.

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