37. His Power

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"No hyung. You go to the party. Your suit is already there"

"But why can't he come with m-"

"Nope! I will bring him with me"

Minho just sighed. He wanted to pout and whine about it, but that's only for Jisung to see. That side is only and only for Jisung and no one else, so he just sighed, signalling his driver to drive to the party venue.

But what was Minho complaining about?

Well, as soon as he and Jisung reached home from the sea sight, it was already 1 am. Minho thought they will change and leave for the party together, but to his surprise, Felix already sent his suit to the venue and told him to go there and change and attend the party, while Jisung will change in the Lee Mansion and Felix will bring him at the venue after that.

Minho didn't understood the purpose behind that, but he couldn't argue when Jisung too agreed to that.

Felix hopped in the mansion yet again, running to his room, where Jisung was changing.

He knocked on the door of his closet "Girl? Are you done?" he asked.

"Yeah... But, um..." Jisung mumbled while opening the door and stepping out nervously.

The moment he stepped out, Felix eyes winded and mouth fell open.

The suit was beautiful, and Jisung looked ethereal.

"You look so.... Damn-" Felix was out of words. No doubt why Minho took so much time in shopping, because no way this suit was only shopped. This was a 100% customised piece. Felix could bet on it.

It was a black suit. Black fit pants, shiny black shoes. A white shirt, tightly hugged by a Matte Black Vest, covered by a Black Blazer, and a black silk tie. It seemed like a pretty normal suit. But the customization Minho did...

There was a beautiful Diamond Chain Broch on the left Lapel of the blazer. The top of the brooch had a small gold crown hook.

The right Lapel was completely covered in thousands of tiny and beautiful White Diamonds. From the top to the bottom of the lapel.

The buttons of the Vest were of Red Ruby, looking like small Glass Roses.

The Vest fitted and hugged Jisung's tiny waist so beautifully, enhancing all the sharp curves of his body even after having a Blazer over it.

"Uh, but..." Jisung mumbled eyeing himself in the mirror with nervous eyes.

"What the fuck!? What 'bUt'..!?" Felix asked in an irritated tone. No way Jisung didn't liked his piece of art. No fucking way.

Jisung hesitantly turned around to face Felix "Are these... like.. Real Diamonds?"

Felix stared at him for good 5 seconds before answering "Are you... like Dumb?" he taunted, making the other pout "You think Boss will bring you a suit with art & craft beets?"

Jisung pouted and turned back to the mirror "This looks... expensive..." he mumbled looking at the diamonds filled lapel.

He was not feeling good about Minho spending money on him like this. He even might have not taken the house Minho gave him, if the older wouldn't have wrapped it up in a lie of a reward for his hard work.

"Oh that? Yeah it's about 2.8" Felix replied in an obvious tone, like it was not a big thing.

"2.8? What 2.8?" the boy asked in confusion, tilting his head.


Oh how Jisung's eyes winded.

"M-Million?" he looked at Felix through the mirror reflection, eyes wide, jaw fell to the floor. "Million what?" he asked.

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