12. Family

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The boy walked happily down the street to his home, trying to skip and jump in between his steps out of happiness, although, not being able to do so because of his injuries. But he still was happy.

It has been 3 days since he met Minho, and he has been happy since. He remember falling asleep after Minho carefully laid him down. He remember Minho sitting beside him on the bed, staring at him with soft and warm eyes. He remember Minho patting his head to make him fall asleep.

He remember having a loose fade memory when he woke up, a loose memory of Minho kissing his forehead. Or... Maybe it was just a dream.

He remember panicking when he woke up when Minho was not there. He remember seeing a note on the bed saying 'No college or any part time job for next 2 weeks. Take rest. Sleep. And take these medicines on time'

Someone was taking care of him. He can bet that he was the happiest person in this whole world right now.

He happily walked to his apartment, climbed up the stairs taking his keys out of his pocket, but the moment he reached his floor, his eyes winded in fear.

There were 2 men taking his stuff out of his room.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?" he asked rushing to his room.

The man holding a small bag having Jisung's clothes, turned around when he heard the boy. "Yes?"

"Why are you taking my stuff out? I-Is this about the r-rent? Listen, I-I'm sorry for the delay. Really. I will p-pay by the next week, I have half the amount right now. I'll earn the rest in a week. I p-promise. Pleas-"

"Uh, no no. We-"

"I-I'll pay. I promise. Please don't k-kick me out. P-Please" by this time, he had small tears pooling in his eyes. He knew he will not find a place to live, he had no money. He was skipping his breakfasts and dinners for past 6 months to save as much money he can, but it was still not enough.

"May I know your name?" the man asked calmly, putting down the bag of clothes.

"H-Han Jisung" he hiccuped, trying to calm himself down.

The man smiled and before Jisung could register, the man grabbed him by his shoulder and spun him around. The man checked for the Crystal's symbol on his neck and spun him back.

"Hi sir, I'm Soobin. Choi Soobin" the man informed and bowed to Jisung, making him even more confused than he already was because of his previous actions. "I'm from Crystal. Boss sent us here to-"

"Crystal?... Y-You mean the M-Mafia they talk about i-in the news?" Jisung was way more cautious than anyone thought. He's not that dumb to just belive anyone who says they are from Crystal.

The man smiled at the smartness of the boy. He already knew Jisung was loyal and smart, he was the part of the 'fake kidnaping' thing and he have seen Jisung not uttering a single word about their Boss. It was actually impressive for a normal college student.

The man pulled out his iPad, playing a video and showing it to the boy.

Jisung looked at the screen, there was Minho...

"Jisung, this is my man, Choi Soobin-" Minho then pulled up a picture of the man "-Listen to what he says" and the video ended.

"Oh.." was all Jisung muttered.

"It's a good thing that you are so cautious, sir" the man smiled again and pulled out a small note "Boss sent this for you"

Jisung took the note and tilted his head a little "Boss? You mean, Minho hyung?" he asked to the man innocently.

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