30. But You Promised?

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Trigger Warning

• Mention of Rape and Abuse
• Graphic violence


Yes, Jisung expected someone of them to come to him. He heard Changbin's voice on the call, so he was expecting him or Felix to come.

But what he wasn't expecting to see, was a car to stop at the end of the alley and a furious Minho walking out of it.

"HEY! WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" The man holding Jisung, shouted and pointed his gun at the man walking in their direction.

The gun didn't stop Minho, he kept walking, not even sparing a glance at Jisung.

The man who called Changbin, pulled Jisung away the moment the man left him and turned around towards Minho.

"I WILL FUCKING SHOOT YOU ASSHOL-" Before the man could finish, Minho reached him, grabbed his wrist of the hand holding the gun, lifted it up, and twisted it, making the gun drop on the ground.

Minho lifted his other hand, grabbed the man's throat and slammed him into the wall.

Jisung was lucky he couldn't see Minho's eyes right now. Minho's eyes were scary, they carry no love, no sweetness, no softness, no mercy, no emotions, other than red.

This was not the Minho Jisung has been seeing for the past 10 months.

The man in Minho's hold tried to speak but it was impossible at how tight Minho's hand was around his throat. His face was red because of less oxygen, veins popping out around his eyes and ears, body trembling to get out of the hold, hand trying to push the man away, but Minho didn't budge. Not even an inch.

"Do you know who you touched?" Minho asked in a low tone, hand tightening even more.

The man trembled and gasped for any air he could get.

When it was said that touching a specific group of people having the mark of the gang can cause a war, one can guess what will happen if you touch a Red Ross.

The man holding Jisung, frowned. He looked down at the boy and quietly pulled his hoodie down from his neck.

Jisung was completely frozen to understand anything that was happening to him. Seeing Minho like this was... yes, it was scary.

The man's eyes winded the moment he saw the mark on Jisung's neck. He quickly left the boy's shoulder and stepped back a little "I-I'm sorry s-sir" he said quietly, backing away.

"BOSS!" A voice came from the other entrance of the alley, and with another second, 6 men were coming in Minho's direction from different entrances.

"Minho..." Chan whispered in Minho's ear to catch his attention "...Jisung needs you"

And this immediately bought Minho back.

Jisung. Yes. Where is Jisung? Shit.

Minho's hand loosened around the man's throat, causing him to fall down and cough violently.

Minho turned around and the moment his eyes landed on the boy, his eyes which held no emotions a second ago, were filled with worry, care, regret, pain, love.

Jisung's face was red, he was crying, trembling in fear. Fists tightly tugging at the cuffs of his own hoodie.

He was not physically harmed. That was the only thing Minho was glad about.

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