43. Sir

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"If things will turn against me. If I will not be able to prove my innocence, promise me you will never hate me?"

The man asked with a pained smile, sitting on the floor of the room, leaning to the wall, hugging his knees, looking at the man who sat on the floor in front of him, leaning to the opposite wall, hanging his head low, loosely holding his gun in his hand.

When he didn't replied...

"Hey? Promise me you will never hate me, Jin-ah?" he smiled as a tear fell from his eyes.

Hyunjin hung his head even lower as a little sob left his lips "Why did you do it...?"

Seungmin smiled "I didn't... You know it"

Hyunjin didn't replied, just sniffled quietly, allowing his tears to fall.

All of them knew, that if they found anything against Seungmin, doesn't matter what Hyunjin thinks or even Minho thinks, Seungmin will be killed.

They both went silent after the short conversation. The silence which didn't last too long. The door of the small room opened, grabbing both the men's attention.

There stood Minho, looking so... defeated.

"Everyone, out!" he ordered to the people of the Torture team of this room. But the thing is, they are not as good listeners.

"I'm sorry boss, but I would suggest on staying her-"

The man was cutoff when Minho grabbed him by his hair, pulling him closer to his face, looking him dead in the eye.

"And I suggest you to fucking leave when I say so!" Minho said in a low voice "Don't forget who is the really psyco here! Don't try to act oversmart with me!" he warned.

This was the only way to handle and deal with these set of people. They don't know what pain is, they don't fear anything, not even Minho or even Mr. Lee. All they do is, respect.

So the man nodded simply, before Minho left his hair with a jerk. The man ordered his other men in the room to leave and walked out.

The moment all the men left the room and closed the door, Minho looked at both the men sitting on the ground, opposite to each other, looking at him with big eyes.

"Jisung didn't knew anything..." he muttered and saw a sudden smile on Hyunjin's face which immediately fell when he realised.

Seungmin kept looking towards Minho with big eyes, like he was still asking him to belive him.

The moment Hyunjin realised, he immediately got up, took his gun out and placed it on Seungmin's head.

Seungmin looked up at the man with numb expressions, blinking slowly. He knew there was no use of saying anything now, so he just smiled.

An unintentional angry tear left Hyunjin's eyes when Seungmin smiled at him with those eyes.

He pressed his gun further at the man's head "Boss! Order!?" he shouted with a cry.

Minho looked at his two bestfriends and smiled "Hyunjin..." he called "Seungmin didn't do anything...".

Hyunjin's eyes winded as he snapped his head towards the man and with an immediate effect, he threw his gun across the room, like he was waiting for these words.

He immediately dropped himself on the floor and practically threw himself on Seungmin, crying and sobbing violently.

Seungmin smiled softly and held the boy, rubbing his back "I'm ok, Jin-ah" he said in the same loving tone, that Minho and him have been using since childhood, whenever Hyunjin cried.

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