21. A Kiss!

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"So finally, the Russian deal is on" Minho announced as he had all of his teams surrounding him in the main hall.

The heads and head teams of financial department, guns and explosives production department, transportation department and emergency department.

All surrounding the Leader as he was about to distribute the work amongst them.

Minho stood in between the large group of people, flipping through the files and pacing back and forth.

"Ok, so production needs to be 3 times of what you are doing already" he informed and looked at the group standing "You guys can do that?" he asked, assuring.

"Yes boss. Definitely. We're gonna need more people and overtime together can do it. Yes" the head of the department informed with a smile.

They all usually don't smile how much they are doing it today. Because well, they all were really genuinely happy, themselves and for Minho as well. They know how much heart Minho have put for this deal to happen. And, this deal is the biggest one any Mafia have ever gotten.

They are already the biggest Mafia in Korea, and the success of this deal was capable of naming them as the biggest Mafia in many more countries. This deal was a gold mine.

"Good" they all rarely get a chance to see Minho this happy, so it made them happy as well.

"For you..." he started turning towards the transportation department "...You're gonna have to-"

He was cut off when the front door suddenly opened.

All the men present in the room turned their heads towards the sudden disturbance.

Minho looked in the direction just to see Changbin coming in. Minho was about to throw a loud scolding but all of it stopped when he saw who was behind him.

A happy, bubbly Jisung. Oh he looks so adorable with his teethy smile.

The moment Minho's eyes laid on the boy, he smiled, his eyes going soft immediately as he closed the file he was holding and kept it down on the table.

Oh how each and every person's eyes winded. Not everyone in the gang knew about Jisung yet, most of them didn't even knew that they have the 'Leader's partner' already. So of course their eyes winded when Minho kept his work down. This was the meeting for the Russian deal, who's file Minho kept down the moment he saw this boy.

Well, guess everyone's gonna finally know about Jisung today.

Jisung looked around the room. It was so crowded. Crowded with scary men. He clutched at the strap of his bag and looked down nervously, taking small steps towards Minho.

Felix smiled and waved at all of them, walking behind Jisung, his bag loosely hanging on his shoulder. They all returned his smile and a little nod in the reply of his wave. They were on duty right now, if any one of them would've raised their hand to wave at Felix, Minho would've shot them dead with an instance.

Minho smiled and walked to the boy, shoving his hands into his pant's pockets.

Jisung stood in front of him and looked up and suddenly, all the nervousness of having so many people present in the room and staring at him, was gone. It was just Minho and only and only Minho.

"So? Did I win?" Minho asked with a smile that had a hint of smirk in it.

Jisung smiled so brightly that Minho instantly wanted to click a picture of that adorable face. "Nope. You lost" he announced and giggled.

Can't all these people disappear and Minho can just hold Jisung tight and kiss him hard? Oh well, no.

"Oh no. Really? So how many people?" he asked with a cute fake pout.

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