20. Bet?

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It was a quite walk for both Minho and Jisung, to the room.

Minho doesn't seemed to be anywhere as confident and intimidating as he was when he kissed Jisung's neck, because the moment Jisung shifted in his lap and turned his head back to look at him with those slightly lidded eyes and red blushed face, taking small heavy breaths, all of Minho's confidence washed away.

Minho really is weak for Jisung's eyes.

Jisung quietly walked behind Minho, holding the cuff of his shirt tightly in his fist, head hanging low, as he was still blushing like crazy.

Upon reaching in the room, Minho closed the door and made Jisung sit on the edge of the bed and immediately knelt down on front of him.

Jisung blushed even more as he looked down at Minho with wide eyes.

Minho was kneeling down in front of him..... What?

Minho looked up and took both of the boy's hands into his, gently holding them "I'm sorry for what my men said to you" he said in a soft voice, never breaking the eye contact with the younger.

Jisung can swore he felt his stomach twitch.

"Y-You don't have to say sorry, h-hyung. It was not your fault" he mumbled, trying to break the intense eye contact but felt like he just couldn't. He wanted to look away but he couldn't.

"It is my fault. They all are my responsibility. If they fuck up, it's on me. So, I'm sorry" Minho said, rubbing his thumbs gently on the back of the younger's hands.

"I-It's ok, hyung" Jisung mumbled, blushing sweetly.

Minho smiled up at him and slowly pulled his hands to his lips, placing a soft kiss on them.

Jisung's mind went crazy. He felt like he was some prince to whom someone was worshiping to.

And he was. He was Minho's prince.

He finally looked away. His cheeks and nose red with blush, his heart thumping in his chest.

Minho smiled at the boy's reaction before finally leaving his hands and getting up. He placed his hand on the boy's head, softly lacing his fingers into his fluffy hair "Come on, eat your breakfast and then Seungmin will drop you to your college"

"I don't want to go...." the boy mumbled quietly, voice saddening and head lowering a little.

"But you have to go to college, Kiddo" Minho said and smiled, obviously knowing why Jisung didn't wanted to go to college.

"But they all hit me and are so mean" he said a little clearly this time as tiny tears formed in his eyes.

Minho chuckled. Thankfully Jisung didn't heard it.

"How many people beat you up daily on average?"

Now what kind of heartless question was that?

That was exactly what Jisung felt as he looked up at the older with big wide eyes "W-What?"

Minho finally removed his hand from his head "How many people hit you daily on average?" he repeated himself in a flat tone.

Jisung looked into Minho's eyes just to feel even more sad when he couldn't find any warmth in them "5-6" he said defeated and disappointed.

"Hmm.." Minho hummed and looked up, acting like he was think of something "So, wanna bet?"

Jisung kept looking at him confused and a little heartbroken. "Bet?"

"Hm. Bet on how many people will hit you today?"

Jisung felt his heart sink. Minho cared for him, right? He was ready to shoot two of his own people for him some moments ago. Then what is this?

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