5. Han Jisung

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"You called, Boss?" Jeongin asked stepping into Minho's room.

"Uh yes. Did Seungmin called? Any information about the boy?" Minho asked, sounding more stressed than usual.

"No Boss. Not ye-"


Jeongin was interrupted by yet another scream. "Not yet, Boss" he said again, after a little pause.

It's been 20 minutes since Jisung was handed over to Felix, and oh boy Felix was cruel with his attendees.

It's been 20 minutes since Minho was listening to the screams and he was irritated. Irritated by the fact that, it's the first time ever that any kind of painful screams were affecting him. This much.

Jeongin saw that uneasy look on Minho's face. He saw the eye contacts earlier. He was noticing every bit of a thing.

"Should I tell Felix to stop?" he asked quietly.

Minho looked at the younger with sharp eyes. Eyes warning him that he has crossed his line.

"No" a strict answer. An answer telling Jeongin to get out of the room with this instance. And that's what he did. He bowed a little to Minho and went out of the room.

'Seungmin is always quick with these shits. What's taking so long' he thought to himself before turing back to his laptop trying his best to avoid the screams and pleads.


A voice echoed, making Minho lift his gaze from his laptop and look towards the door.

It's been 30 minutes since he talked to Jeongin and 20 minutes since the screams and cries have stopped and 20 minutes since Minho was resisting the urge to go and check on the boy.

"Finally. So? What you got?" Minho asked firmly when he saw Seungmin on his door with a file in his hand. He looks a little off though.

"Uh, this is his file. It have everything about him. All the evidences, police report and statements and the statements of the people I talked to" Seungmin said in quite tone.

"Why the long face?" the older asked grabbing the file from his hand.

Doesn't matter how strict Minho was, he cares for them. And they know it.

"I should've done a full background check the night you guys found him. We did wrong with him" he mumbled quietly.

Even after being a Mafia, they all walks on the path Minho have set. A path where 'Crystal' means business. Smuggling. Money. And not, harming people in the name of Mafia or spread fear around. So they feel bad. They feel bad when they accidentally hurt someone innocent. Even Hyunjin.

Minho looked at him in concern, already having an idea about what's in the file.

"Boss, do you have any work for me?"

"No. Not right now"

"Ok so, I'm going to spend some time with Felix" he said and went out of the room after bowing down to Minho.

Minho frowned but sighed and turned around in his chair towards his desk again. He closed his laptop and set it aside, placing the file there.

He sighed again and finally opened the file.



Only child of his parents
Currently lives alone
Address : XXX, XXX, XXX (since last 2 years)
School : XX, XXXXX, X
College : XXXXX, XX

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