2. Kiddo

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Jisung knew he was fucked when the moment he woke up, all what he saw, was black.

It was dark. Completely.

He was blindfolded.

He tried to move. But can't. He was tied up.

He screamed, but nothing came out other than a muffled voice, thanks to the cloth stuffed in his mouth.

He tried to move and make any kind of sound one last time and then immediately gave up. Dropping himself limp he sobbed a little and smiled mentally. Yes he has thought of hundreds of way to kill himself or thousands of situations which can kill him but he was sure none of them includes being kidnapped and tortured by some gang.

He sobbed quietly, a little happy, that all of the things are atleast gonna end for him now, maybe in a painful way, but atleast they are gonna end.

He thought it was best if he tries to fall asleep, because if they have left him to die like this, legs and hands tied up to the legs and arms of the chair, then it was best to just fall asleep and die in sleep. Less painful.

But the moment he stopped crying and sniffled, he heard a loud bang. It was the door, he assumed.

The boy shivered when he heard the hard tapping sound of someone walking in the room. Wait.... There were more than one person. He tried to guess but it became impossible when there was sharp stretching sound from floor. A chair. It was a chair which was settled in front of him at a little distance.

He could feel few pair of eyes digging through his skin, but all he could do was hang his head low in defeat. He was trying his best to prepare himself for the painful and unbearable torture he's gonna get, but when he remembered those skin pieces on that man's clothes and imagined what he has done to get those in the first place, all he could do was sob even more.

And it was like, the universe was his enemy today, because the moment someone harshly snatched off his blindfold and his eyes adjusted to the light, the first face he saw was the same man.

Hwang Hyunjin

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Hwang Hyunjin


• Korean
Right hand of the Leader
• A little Psyco
Butcher of the gang
• Head of the Guns department

A man to be feared of.

If the people making dictionaries would allow, the members of the gang would start the definition of 'Ruthless' by the name of Hwang Hyunjin.

Grew up with the current Leader as bestfriends and will shred anyone into pieces with his bare hands, for his Boss, the Leader of Crystal.

Takes orders only and only from the Leader.


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