58. Epilogue ♡

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[15 years later...]

"Haneul!" the girl whisper-yelled "Be quiet!"

"I am being quiet! You are the one who almost crashed in the kitchen table!" the boy replied with the same voice.

"No!" she whispered a littler louder than before "I was walking properly! You stumbled and pushed m-"

"Miyoung, be quiet!"

Well, you got to be quiet while tippi-toeing in the house in the middle of the night.

Specially when you are carrying a big chocolate cake having already lit up beautiful candles on it, for one of your parent's birthday, to surprise them.

"Okok, on the count of three! Yeah?" the boy whispered to her sister, showing her three fingers, and holding the door knob of their parents room.

The girl nodded and tightly clutched the cake in her hands, being carefully to not drop it.

"Ok" he started "One.... Two..." the girl lightly lifted the cake to the level of her face, and "Three!"


They both shouted, bursting the door open, giggling seeing both of their parents suddenly jump and wake up.

Well, unlike the other parents, their parents didn't reacted like they got a heart attack, instead...

There were two guns pointed in their directions immediately.

"Oh god, you scared us" the man breathed out with a sigh, lowering his gun.

The girl giggled and ran to her father, holding the cake properly "Happy happy birthday, appa!" she chirped placing the cake on the bed and threw herself on the man, hugging him tightly.

The man smiled and held his daughter tightly "Thank you, my baby" he replied sleepily.

"Oh baby, you both really scared us" there was another voice grabbing the girl's attention "You both atleast could've included me in your plan of surprising your Appa?"

"You are bad at keeping things from Appa" the boy standing by the bed said "You always tell him everything and ruin the surprise... Dad"


"He is right, Dad. You ruin Appa's every surprise!" the girl giggled and complained, still in her Appa's hold.

So the man just rolled his eyes and sat straight, making all the three laugh and giggle.

How happy you would feel, when your children comes in your room with a cake in the middle of the night to wish you a 'happy birthday'?

The girl finally pulled back and sat on the bed with a bright smile.

The man smiled and looked at the boy standing by the bed, and opened his arms, gesturing him to give him a hug.

Haneul smiled sweetly and walked over to his father, hugging him tightly "Happy birthday, Appa. We love you so much" he said while hugging the man.

The man smiled and patted the boy's hair lovingly "Thank my baby" he said with a smile "I love you all too so so much"

The boy smiled and pulled back, loving the little hair-ruffle he got in the end.

"Nobody's gonna hug me?" the other man asked, narrowing his eyes at both of his children.

"I WILL HUG YOU, DAD!" the girl shouted loudly and immediately tackled her father in a bone crushing hug.

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