27. My Big Baby

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He smiled as he sat on the floor, resting his chin on the bed, watching the older sleep peacefully.

He was ready for his college and was about to leave, but he didn't wanted to leave Minho sleeping.

' "Go to sleep, hyung" the younger whispered, creasing the older's hair as he tried to lean into the touch as much as he could, still sniffling quietly.

Minho scooted closer and pressed his head onto the the younger's chest, nuzzling quietly.

Jisung stiffened for a moment, he never thought he will see the older like this, ever. But then, smiling softly, he too scooted closer and wrapped his arms around the man's big frame and nuzzled into his hair, closing his eyes and sighing deeply.

"Don't go anywhere, please..." he opened his eyes when he heard Minho speak in a tiny voice.

"I won't. I'm gonna stay here, with you. Always. Promise" he assured and felt Minho nod in his chest before dozing off. '

He smiled at the memories and lifted his hand to place it on the older's cheek.

"You are mine?" he asked quietly to himself and creased the older's cheek lovingly.


He froze, eyes going wide when he heard Minho answer. The moment he thought that Minho might have hummed in his sleep, Minho lifted his hand and placed it on the younger's, which was now laying stiff on his cheek.

" 'M yours..."

He mumbled sleepily, holding the younger's hand softly over his cheek.

Jisung blinked as his cheeks dusted red. Minho heard him? Oh no.

Suddenly, he snatched his hand away from the older, blushing and embarrassed.

Minho frowned because of the loss of warmth and slightly opened his eyes, blinking rapidly, trying to adjust to the morning light. He saw Jisung looking at him with wide eyes and red face.

" 'M not yours?" he asked, still pretty much sleepy, looking at Jisung with a little swollen eyes from all the crying he did.

Jisung kept staring at him with wide eyes as his heart raced like crazy in his chest.

"I-I'm going to c-college, hyung" he said looking away from Minho and proceeds to get up from the floor "Y-Your breakfast is in the k-kitchen and-" he was cut off by his own yelp when Minho suddenly grabbed his wrist and pulled him down.

He stumbled, landing on the bed, supporting himself by his hands, face just above Minho's. He gulped and looked at the older, eyes winded and ears red.

At this position, all they both wanted was to kiss each other madly. Jisung wanted to strangle Minho, sit on his chest, cup his face and kiss him with all the life he has in him. And Minho wanted to grab the younger by the back of his head and pull him down and kiss him slow and soft.

They both kept staring at each other with increasing heartbeats. Minho quietly took the younger's hand in his and placed it back on his own cheek.

"I'm not yours?" he asked, clearly this time, holding Jisung's hand on his cheek and looking at him with almost, almost puppy eyes and a tiniest pout.

Jisung was sure will get a nose bleeding at this point. Minho looked so adorable. He is a fucking Mafia, can't he maintain his scary aura? Jisung was used to it now, but this? This can take his life away any moment.

"Y-You are m-mine?" Jisung stuttered out somehow and gulped dryly again, eyes kept flickering between Minho's lips and eyes.

"Hm" Minho hummed with a little nod and felt relaxed when Jisung started to crease his cheek slowly.

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