24. Friends?

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He sat there with a sad little pout on his face. He didn't liked the news he got when he got back from college.

Usually he would go his house, change and freshen up a little and then come to this house to play video games with Felix or sleep in Minho's bed, and then go back after some hours to study and do his assignments.

But today, Felix dragged him to their house directly after college, saying that they have a news for him. And he was not happy with that news.

Everyone was packing their bags, pacing from one room to the other, while Jisung sat on the couch and gave them an unhappy look.

They were all going to Russia. All of them. Last time Chan, Felix and Changbin were here, but this time they all are going. That's not fair.

"Oh come on, don't make that face. Do you love me that much?" Hyunjin said in a baby voice making Jisung roll his eyes at him.

And on top of all this, Minho was not at home. It was only the other six, packing and arranging stuff. He was at the Mansion. So is he not even going to meet Jisung before leaving?

Hyunjin came and sat on the couch beside the younger. "Aww, you cutie" Hyunjin teased as Jisung gave him an irritated look.

"Oh! I have something for you!" Hyunjin suddenly beamed in excitement and pulled his hand into his back pocket, taking out..... Brass knuckles?

"I wanted to give you a birthday gift. This is my favorite one, so here, it's for you!" Hyunjin said in pure happiness, extending his arm towards the younger, holding the weapon.

Jisung looked at the weapon in the man's hand with wide eyes.

These Brass knuckles was not like the normal ones, it was like, specially customised for someone like Hyunjin.

It was sharp and pointy and a little curved at it's pointy ends. So sharp that if you punch someone with this, it was a 100% guarantee of ripping the pieces of the person's skin. It looked dangerous.

And that one thing on which Jisung gulped was, there were some tiny permanent blood stains.

He could only imagine, how many people Hyunjin must have murdered to death with this.

"Yeah I know it has blood stains but I cleaned it, I promise, they just won't go and yesterday I cleaned it even more and properly, cuz I wanted to gift it to you" he informed in a very genuine tone. Hyunjin was serious that he wanted to give the younger a birhtday present.

Jisung just blinked in between the weapon and the man "You don't want it?" Hyunjin suddenly asked, voice getting a little sad.

"N-No, I mean, thank you" Jisung said and quickly snatched the weapon from the man's hand, not wanting to make him feel bad.

He have understood all of them a little by now, and Hyunjin was the sweetest one out of them, it was just, he was a little... What's that word...... Crazy. Sick in his head, as Minho said.

This was his favorite brass knuckle and he wanted to give it to Jisung for his birthday. He really was a sweetheart. Just a little dangerous.

Jisung smiled "That's why hyung alway says to maintain a distance from you" he chuckled, putting the weapon into his bag and looking back at the older.

"He is right. You actually should maintain a little distance from me, not everybody can control me" Hyunjin said in a little serious tone and then smiled at the younger.

Jisung tilted his head "Control you?" he asked in pure confusion. He knew Hyunjin was dangerous, but there was not way he was..... 'that' dangerous, right?

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