41. Bestfriends

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"But Hyunjin hyung said, you, him and Minho hyung are bestfriends?" the boy asked rolling on the older's bed.

"The fuck you mean 'But'? We ARE bestfriends!" Seungmin exclaimed in an offended tone, cleaning his collection of knifes while sitting on the couch.

When Jisung went to Minho after changing, surprisingly, he was stopped by the guard from entering Minho's study, telling him that 'Boss is busy and will not meet anyone right now'.

It confused and, if he was being honest, hurt him a little, but he thought the older might really be busy, so he came to Seungmin's room as usual.

The two have became really close. Seungmin have really starting to see a little brother in Jisung. So when they both are free, they would play games or chitchat in the older's room, like right now.

"But you and hyung are always so slaty around each other and both of you are soft and sweet around Hyunjin hyung" the younger chuckled saying that, remembering different incidents in Hawaii, when Minho and Seungmin where almost ready to throw hands at each other over small arguments, and the incidents where they both would literally baby Hyunjin.

"That's because..." putting his last knife down, he looked up at the boy rolling lazily in his bed "...Hyunjin is a sensitive baby, who needs to be taken care of" he said and the younger listened carefully.

"So you and hyung are bestfriends too?" the smaller asked.

"Hm. But that bitch, don't tell him I called him that.." he said pressing a finger over his lips playfully, laughing lightly "..he will never admit how much he loves me" he laughed, shaking his head.

"But, how do you two became bestfriends!? Cuz Hyunjin hyung told me about how-"

"So he told you his sad ass story?" Seungmin asked, chuckling, earing a slight nod from the younger.

"You know the position Chan hyung is at? The Financial department head?" he asked and Jisung nodded "My dad used to be at that position, so when I was little, around 4, I always used to whine to my dad to take me here, to this Mansion with him, so slowly Mr. Lee allowed me to come here regularly with dad. They would do their work and I would play with Minho hyung, because Chan hyung would go to multiple classes like, karate, piano and I don't even know. He was a very active child since a very young age, and Jeongin was a Momma's boy, so he would stick to Aunt all the time, but well, Minho hyung and I always fought with each other over one thing or the other" he chuckled at the blur memories.

' "That is my toy! You bring your own!"

"But you can share with me!"

"I don't want to!"

"You are rude!"

"No, you are!" '

"I was 4 and Minho hyung was 7 back then, and you can say, we both didn't liked each other that much, atleast that's what we used to say, and we used to play together because we had no one to play with, other than each other"

' "Seungmin, play properly!"

"I'm playing properly, you are not!"

"I'm your hyung, don't raise your voice at me!"

"Oh Ok, HYUNG!"

"UGHH-" '

Seungmin laughed "We were so irritating and annoying, oh god" he laughed more.

Jisung smiled looked at the man's expressions. He knows how close all of them are, and watching them sliming while telling how they became friends, was so cute.

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