17. Face It

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"Where are we going now!?" the younger asked all excited, beaming a wide smile looking in between Hyunjin and Minho.

"It's a surprise" Minho said quietly, fishing for the first aid box from under his seat.

Jisung pouted and looked out of the window, enjoying the busy road. Cars and bikes going back and forth in speed. He smiled watching some couples on bikes, how they were giggling and talking to each other. He suddenly blushed when he saw a guy on a bike and his girlfriend hugging him tightly from behind.

He pouted in jealousy. He wanted that too.

"Jisung, look here. I need to clean your cut" Minho asked, earning a whine from the younger.

"Later" he said and continued looking out.

His eyes suddenly went wide in adoration when they drove past a beach. He blinked as his eyes shined. He was mesmerised by the beautiful blue sea, the sun shining like millions of stars were scatters into the sea. The water dancing on the shore, little waves folding in the water. It was so beautiful.

"You like the sea?" Minho asked smiling when he saw how Jisung's eyes were stuck on the waves.

"I've never seen this before..." he whispered quietly, continuing to admire the beautiful sea.

Minho smiled, finally pulling out all the things he needed "Ok now look here" he asked again and turned completely to the younger.

"Wait-" he said but whined again when the beach was suddenly blocked by buildings and trees as they drove further. "Hyunjin hyung!" he complained, still wanting to see the water.

"What? I can't do anything about it" Hyunjin shrugged and continued driving.

"But-" he suddenly went quite when a big hand grabbed his jaw firmly and turned his face to the side.

"I said, look here" Minho said holding Jisung's face in place as he stared down in his eyes, lips being inches away from each other.

"S-Sorry hyung" Jisung stuttered and gulped when Minho's grip tightened around his jaw. Not enough to hurt him, but enough show the possessiveness.

Minho's eyes flickered to his bruised lips, and all he wanted was to kiss those lips. He wanted to push Jisung against the seat and hover over him and kiss him madly until Jisung would be whining. He wanted to see his lips red and swollen by how hard he would kiss them. He wanted to see him breathing heavily, his ears and face red, his eyes hooded, his lips coated with his saliva.

But oh well.

Minho released a shaky breath, finally gathering enough strength to lift his gaze up from his lips "S-Stay like this" he said before turning around to grab the cotton. The image his mind has created of Jisung just now was not going anywhere anytime soon.

Jisung blinked and pressed his lips together nervously as his ears turned red. He knew what Minho was thinking, it was like, he could hear every thought of his mind, he could see every image that formed in his mind.

"Stay still" Minho said, turning around before bringing the cotton to the younger's parted lips, avoiding any eye contact.

Hyunjin smiled witnessing all this through the driving mirror. He was happy realising how Jisung was slowly breaking Minho's walls and how Minho was slowly falling weak in Jisung's eyes.

Besides Minho's safety, this was the reason he wanted to come with them today.

"Ok! We are finally here" Minho announced as he stretched a little. He looked to his side and saw Jisung almost dozing off. Smiling softly, he pressed a hand over his cheek, creasing it lightly. "Hey kiddo. Wake up. We are here"

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