46. Seungie Hyung

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Trigger Warning

• Mention of Rape



There was complete silence.

He woke up in a pitch dark and complete silent space.


He called yet again, trying to voice out louder, but not being able to. Feelings dizzy and light headed.

"Hyung, where are you...?" a little dazed mumble.

He tried to move his body, but felt like his body was too heavy to even lift a finger.

He was still under the dose of anaesthesia.

When his eyes were not able to adjust to the pitch dark even one bit, then only he registered the cloth tied around his eyes.

His mind panicked, heart raced, but body still refused to reacted.

And then he registered. He was tied to a bed.


The last memory he had, was Minho giving him an injection for the carving.

"Hyung I-I don't f-feel good..."

He tried to move, tried to use as much strength as he could, but was unable to.

"Hyung...!" a little cry left his lips as anxiousness started to fill his heart.


"Oh you're awake~?" a voice came. An oddly familiar voice "Good morning, Sungie~"

Jisung stiffened in fear. He was tied up, couldn't see anything, and now was hearing a voice which was not of Minho.

"Well, it's night but yeah, still, good morning" the voice repeated.


"Your hyungie?" the man informed in an offended tone, forming a fake pout "You forgot your hyungie? That hurts, Sungie!"

Jisung flinched away lightly when the man sat on the bed beside him.

"H-Hyungie?... Seun-"

"YES! SEUNG! YOUR SEUNGIE HYUNG!" the man shouted and clapped, scaring the boy "You remember me! You wanna share what happened at school!? Like you used to!" the man asked laughing, getting all hyped up, scaring the boy even more "Oh wait! But you are not in school now, right? All grown up!" he laughed even more "College? Wanna tell me what happened at college!? Wanna gossip with your hyungie!?"

Jisung was confused. He was scared. What was going on? Where did Seung suddenly came from after 6 years? Why did he blindfolded and tied him? How did he come here? Where was Minho? What was happening?

"S-Seung, w-where is M-Minh-"

"Oh he! Your Romeo?" he laughed loudly making Jisung flinch "He might be searching for you on all the wrong places. Let's see when his tiny brain works. I hope it's before you die of hunger, cuz if he gets here to your dead body, it will be no fun! You need to die in front of his eyes!" he chuckled.

Jisung felt numb.

"D-Die.. Wha-"

"Yes baby. Die. Or else, how will I break him, hm? You gatta cry and bleed and cough some blood and look miserable and then die looking into his eyes, to make him traumatised and empty again. We gatta make sure he feels numb and dead inside, gets suicidal or some shit. No?" the man said in a calm and giggly voice.

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