13. Warm

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He buried his face in his pillow, still debating over a thousands of questions to himself.

What was he doing? He is literally sleeping in the bed with a fucking Assassin by his side. These people are criminals, not just criminals, they are the Mafia. The more this word sounds dramatic, the more real and scary it is.

He was literally playing with them some hours ago. Guns casually placed everywhere in the house. Not like he was scared of the guns, but... What was he doing?

How can he fall for a fucking Mafia leader out of anyone in this whole damn world?


Has he fallen for that man? For Minho?

Yes. He has fallen. Pretty hard.

His thoughts kept going and going for hours and hours, preventing him to fall sleep. And then he heard something. The door. The sound of the main door being open and close. As his curiosity pumped, he got off the bed and peeked out of the room. There were two people entering the house, ever so quietly.

"Hyunjin for fuck's sake, quite. Everyone's sleeping" Minho whisper-yelled when Hyunjin almost fell while taking off his shoes.

"Sorry Boss" the younger apologised, trying to be careful.

Jisung's heart thumbed in his chest when he realised who it was.

"Hyung..." he called out quietly, grabbing the attention of the duo.

Minho looked at the boy, wearing a big loose t-shirt and shorts, standing at Felix's and Chan's room's door, looking oh so tiny and soft with those puffed cheeks and messy hair.

Minho frowned seeing the boy still awake. He glanced at his wrist watch and and then back at the boy "Jisung, it's past 3, why are you still awake?" he asked the younger, worried if anything happened. Was he sick? Does any of his stitches hurt? Or-

"Couldn't sleep" the boy mumbled in a small voice.

Minho immediately rushed to him the moment those words left his lips "What happened?" he asked, clearly sounding a little panicked "Does it hurt anywhere? Are you sick? Fever?" Minho asked rapidly and cupped the younger's face pressing their foreheads together to check if the younger had fever.

Jisung looked down the moment Minho came so close while touching their foreheads together.

"Missed you" he mumbled quietly, still looking down and standing there with limp hands as Minho was still cupping his cheeks.

Minho lifted his head and looked at the younger carefully, seeing how Jisung was so shy and almost blushing.

"I'll be going to my room. Good night Boss" Hyunjin muttered before leaving the two to have some privacy and entering his and Jeongin's shared room.

"Missed you so much, hyung" Jisung mumbled again and Minho saw how his hands curled into tiny fists, like he was trying to grab hold on something out of nervousness.

"Go to sleep, Jisung. It's late" Minho said quietly before turning around to go upstairs to his own room, but was stopped immediately when he felt a soft tug on his hoodie.

He looked down and saw Jisung grabbing the corner of his hoodie in his fist. Minho looked up at the boy who was now looking at him with big eyes.

"Can I sleep in your room?" he asked politely, while maintaining that soft eye-contact with the older.

Every thought was gone. The only thought in his mind was... He has fallen for Minho.

He has fallen deep in love.

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