33. Fragile

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Taking heavy breaths, body covered in sweat, tears rolling down his eyes, his eyes suddenly shot open.

These nightmares were so horrifying, they were so scary.

He took deep breaths to calm himself down, wiping his tears before finally feeling the hand which was placed on his cheek loosely, realising where he was.

He looked around, it was his room, and then he remembered...

"Jisung.." he mumbled before registering where he was laying, who's hand it was.


He sighed remembering what happened earlier. He looked up where the boy sat and saw him asleep as well, head hanging low, one hand on Minho's face and other on his shoulder.

Minho quietly got up, removing both of the boy's hands. New tears coming in as the scenes from his nightmare kept flashing in front of his eyes.

He sniffled as he sat beside the boy, watching him sleep. And then it hit him.

His neck. He will get strain in his neck like this.

He panicked, trying to think of a way to lay the younger down without waking him up.

He moved his hands, trying to place them behind the boy's back or under his legs or anywhere possible, but it was just not working. And new tears rolled down his face.

He was emotionally very sensitive right now, so every smallest inconvenience towards Jisung was affecting him 100 times more.

He breathed rapidly, trying to calm himself and control his tears when Jisung slowly opened his eyes.

Blinking rapidly, he opened his eyes and looked around just to see Minho sitting beside him, nose red, looking at him with big tear filled eyes.

"Hyung..." he mumbled, waking up slowly. "Hyung what happened...?" he mumbled again, finally waking up properly.

He reached to the boy and held his face into his hands, cupping his cheeks.


And sometimes clicked in Minho's chest.

"What happened?" he asked the man with concern and care in his eyes.

This was the first time Jisung has called Minho with such a name wrapped in so much love, making it even more difficult for the older to clam down.

A little sob left his lips "Y-You were s-sleeping... y-your neck... pain..." and he cried. Squeezing his eyes, allowing more tears to fall down, not being able to understand why was he feeling so vulnerable and panicked. He has never even once in his life have felt any emotions like this.

Or maybe he did, he just didn't allowed himself to acknowledge them, didn't thought they were important. Or maybe he was just scared that, who will hold him, take care of him.

Jisung looked at the older with concern. He wiped his tears carefully with his thumb and leaned forwards, placing a soft kiss on the man's forehead.

Minho cried even more, burring his face low into the boy's hands "I-I'm sorry, I didn't m-mean to say all t-that and hurt y-you, I-I am just..." he cried and hiccuped.

Jisung wiped his tears and pulled the man into his chest "I know, hyung. I know you are scared. You didn't hurt me. I promise" He mumbled, attempting to clam the older down.

Minho left himself limp over the smaller as he cried quietly into his chest, feeling Jisung crease his hair softly.

"Hyung? Will you tell me why are you so scared?" he asked the older, pulling him even closer.

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